Chapter 842: Rescue_1

Chu Molin was at an accident scene today along with others. They'd gotten word earlier that a bus had crashed, injuring over twenty people on board, and they were here to assist.

Upon arriving at the scene, Chu Molin's face darkened. The bus's front was completely deformed, the driver was trapped inside the cab and couldn't get out, and someone had been flung aside. Many people, some seriously injured, some less so, were all clustered together wailing in pain. The scene was utter chaos.

At first, Chu Molin thought they had been alerted because the scene was close to their school. Now it seemed that wasn't the only reason. It was likely a directive from the leaders to get him acclimatized to this environment as quickly as possible. He couldn't quite articulate his thoughts on this, but decided to just get involved in the rescue for now. Other thoughts could wait.