Chapter 1066: Buying a Haunted House_1

The village chief had his grandson summon a few of the elder villagers, as well as those who had previously bought houses, to bear witness. Before they arrived, he prepared a chicken for their arrival. Once they arrived, he could proceed directly with the business at hand.

"Happy New Year, Chief." Given that everyone arrived around the New Year, the chief didn't feel this greeting was too early.

"I regret calling you all here on New Year's Day. However, Thunder expressed an interest in buying Granny's house. It would be improper of me to make this decision and secretly sell the house on my own, wouldn't it?

The reason why I asked you all to come here is to act as witnesses. You were all involved with this house at some point, having bought it and subsequently returned it. I understand your dilemmas and have respected your decisions to back out.