Chapter 1158_1

"So now, besides the six of the elders, we all ought to join in on the fun. It's only lively when we have a crowd"

Qin Xue put her foot down, leaving no space for those who didn't want to play to back out.

"Alright, let's play. It won't necessarily be me who loses." Qin Yun agreed.

"Xiao Yu, get an empty bottle." Qin Xue commanded her younger brother.

"Sure." Qin Yu nodded, he knew there were empty bottles at home, so he went to the kitchen to grab one.

"Everyone get ready, the game begins now. Whoever the bottle points at when it stops, answer the question." Qin Xue said, grabbing the bottle from her brother.

"Sure." Everybody nodded, testifying that they understood the rules of the game.

The younger generation were playing the game in the guest room, while the elders were chatting around a roaring fire in the living room.

"Alright, I'll go first. One, two, three, here we go!" Qin Xue spun the bottle with a strong tug, causing it to whirl around.