Jiang Lang heard this and raised his eyebrows, speaking righteously, "How could I not help when a brother is in trouble? After all, Old Gu and I have shared deep bonds since childhood!"
Ling Feng's mouth twitched slightly, instinctively feeling that there must be a catch with Jiang Lang, "I don't believe you one bit..."
"Let it be, it ultimately concerns my son's life-long matter, and as a father, I cannot ignore it... However, he's in a meeting and can't check his phone. If he doesn't see it, there's nothing I can do..." Ling Feng muttered as he sent Gu Huai a text message.
Jiang Lang stood up and walked over to a few boys, politely greeting them, "Guys, are you Qi Yue's...?"
Seeing Jiang Lang, one of the boys referred to as Hao Zi replied, "We're her junior brothers. Who are you?"