Chapter 4: You Think You Can Win Me Back Like This?

Qiao Ruoxin looked at the fatigue on his handsome face with a bit of heartache, "Why don't you sleep all night?"

"If I sleep, I will dream. In those dreams, I've strangled you countless times," he said slowly, with an air of indifference.

Every time he lay in bed to sleep, he thought of Qiao Ruoxin lying in someone else's bed every night, being cherished by someone else.

Just thinking about that scene, his hate grew wildly, making him feel nauseous and vomit.

Then, he started to suffer from insomnia night after night, becoming more and more irritable.

She was slightly taken aback.

So, the chronic insomnia had made Mo Chen's temperament become more and more gloomy, as if he was steeped in darkness.

"Mo Chen, I love you, I have always loved you, please don't do this..." to yourself.

She couldn't bring herself to say the rest.

But what answered her was his disdainful snort, "You don't love me, otherwise you wouldn't have dumped me for two years before remembering me."


That word was a joke to him.

He had lived for 27 years, known Qiao Ruoxin for 9.

And this girl had always tormented him, body and soul, to the point where he felt like a masochist.

Mo Chen: "Qiao Ruoxin, the words 'I love you,' if said without feeling, sound especially disgusting."

He deliberately emphasized the word 'disgusting.'

In these two years, how many men had Qiao Ruoxin said 'I love you' to?

Thinking of this, Mo Chen suddenly felt nauseous, abruptly got up and strode with long legs towards the bathroom.

At the moment the door shut, sounds of vomiting and running water could be heard from inside.

Sitting on the sofa, Qiao Ruoxin turned pale immediately, her beautiful eyes misting over.

Is it really that serious…

If this continues, Mo Chen's body might truly be ruined.

The door opened.

The first thing Mo Chen saw was Qiao Ruoxin standing there, her face so pure it reached her bones, yet her heart was cruel to the extreme.

His handsome face was tight, still dripping with water, his gaze cold and indifferent.

Qiao Ruoxin looked at his slightly pale complexion, and her heart tightened.

It must be said, Mo Chen had a face that every woman would want to sleep with, incredibly handsome, but with a terrible temper.

"Let me make breakfast for you." She smiled slightly, suddenly speaking.

Mo Chen raised an eyebrow slightly, a trace of surprise crossing his handsome face, "You can cook?"

"Of course, let me take care of you from now on."

Having said that, she walked towards the kitchen.

She opened the fridge to get ingredients, planning to prepare a simple American breakfast since there wasn't much time.

The tall, handsome figure of the man followed her, watching her skilled movements, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down.

After a while, Qiao Ruoxin placed two breakfasts on the dining table.

She tilted her head towards the man, "Please enjoy, Lord Mo?"

Mo Chen pulled out a chair and sat down, looking at the sandwich and fried egg in front of him, as well as the fruit salad.

The man ate elegantly, his manner completely at odds with his irritable temper.

Qiao Ruoxin took a sip of orange juice, watching the man finish his breakfast without blinking.

She spoke cautiously, "I will make it for you every day from now on, is that okay?"

"You think you can win me back just like that?" Mo Chen wiped the corner of his mouth with a napkin, glancing at her indifferently.

"Since you love me so much, of course, I have to win you back."

She smiled gently.

Probably no one else in this world could love her more than Mo Chen.