Gabriel.....I dont want to lose you.

Ivy....But thats scary, aren't you scared of being a beast for the rest of your life?

Gabriel.....Iam scared because everyone will see me differently and be afraid of me, i dont want the people i love to hate me.

Ivy.....See? Then let me help you, am your wife by the way.

She went and hugged him.

Gabriel.....Thanks for being here for me.

Ivy....Its no big deal because you've always been by my side and i always wanted to repay you.

Gabriel.....I never knew that you loved me this much.

Ivy.....I also dont know, i just found myself in love with you.

Gabriel....I love you ivy.

Ivy.....I love you more.

Gabriel....Please never leave me.

Ivy.....I wont so dont worry.(This is not the real me, i almost forgot about Amanda.I know that someday i will return back home but i will miss you Gabriel, i really love you.)

The day of the full moon arrived and the king's birthday was being prepared because the party always begun at night.

Ivy.....Oh no! Your now....a complete...beast.

Gabriel.....Am sorry to scare you ivy.


Gabriel....If your scared, lets not do it.

Ivy.....I really am scared but i cant let you be a beast, it will hurt me for the rest of my life.

Gabriel.....Its almost dusk, i bet guests have started arriving and they are asking for us, so is dad.

Ivy....Ugh! we go...but, no kissing.

Gabriel.....Lets not do it if you dont want to, please.

Ivy.....I want to.

The guests arrived including Veronica with Calvin.They were waiting for Gabriel and his wife to come out, but they were hooking up.

Woman.....When will prince Gabriel and his wife come out? I want to see them because i didnt attend their wedding.

Queen.....(That beast is there struggling with his identity, he will never have peace in this world.)

King.....They will come, go and fetch them.

The king sent his maid to call them out, Camilo was happy and so was her mum because they knew about the curse.

Camilo.....(Now ivy is regretting why she married you, anytine from now, she will come back to me and we pick up from where we stopped from.

The party begun but the king wanted to see his son though he was not there.

King....(Whats wrong with them? Everyone is asking about them.Gabriel, dont embarass me on my birthday.)

Gabriel and ivy later joined the party, Camilo and the queen saw them, they were shocked.

Queen....No way! he not...

Camilo.....Mum, whats going on?

Queen....They...broke the curse?

The King saw them and everyone.

King.....Please welcome my eldest son Gabriel and his wife ivy.

People clapped for them, they went to greet them.

King.....Lets make a toast to our soon-to-be king.





Everyone was suprised for what the king had said, all cameras focused on Gabriel and the king.

King.....You heard me right.Am going to retire soon and leave my son to lead our people, i will not wait for my death to give up the throne.Please, when that time comes, love him, treat him like how you've treated me even though his still young, guide him.

People gave around of applause to the king.Gabriel was suprised and so was ivy.

Ivy....Is he serious?

Gabriel....Why? I dont understand.

Ivy.....Its okay, calm down.He believes in you and he wants to trust you with the people of this nation.You are going to make a good leader, i see that in you and i believe in you.

He held her hand and kissed it.

Gabriel....Am glad that i have you, i will be a great king only if i have you by my side.

Ivy.....With or without me, you will be a great king.

Gabriel.....Thanks for breaking the curse, i owe you my life.

Ivy....Come on, thats what wives do, they stand with there husbands in every situation.

Gabriel.....Thanks for being a good wife, i love you so much.

Ivy.....I love you too.

The party ended and Gabriel was interviewed by the press, he later went to his bedroom.The queen and Camilo were angry.

Queen.....I cant let this happen.

Camilo.....Ofcourse mum, he took ivy from me and now he is goin to be king?

Queen.....Dont worry, i will make him disappear from the face of this earth.

Camilo.....Just do whatever as long as his out of the picture.

Gabriel was with Ivy cuddling and talking while laughing.

Maid.....Excuse me, may i come in?

Ivy....Come in.

Maid....The king told me to bring you this wine, prince Gabriel.


Maid.....Your welcome, excuse me.

Gabriel.....Lets celebrate with this.

Ivy.....No, its all yours because my head hurts and i cant drink that now.

Gabriel....Then sleep here on my laps while i finish this bottle.

Ivy....You bet!

Gabriel drunk the wine, in the morning, he was not feeling well and his nose was bleeding.

Ivy.....Are you fine? Lets go to the hospital now.

Gabriel....Wait...i know whats hapoening to me.

Ivy....No, lets go and you see the doctor, please.

Gabriel....I was poisoned, just like my mum.
