After the class ended the boys asked Bill why he asked about working together not that they minded. He replied "John this morning had a thought about donating to charity or setting up a foundation, so I thought we could use this project to help us and him, What do you think?"

They all Thought it was a great idea. And headed out to get some food. While they were in the cafeteria John walked in and picked up his food as well even though he could eat in the faculty lounge he preferred to eat with his Friends.

  When he got to the table he greeted everyone and took his seat next to Bill. While they were eating Bill told him about the Course Project Assessment and said they Professor gave them permission to work together as long as everything is document properly. Bill Continued by saying "I thought how interesting how it line up with your Idea this Morning" 

  John thought about it " That's a great idea, I told you that a plan would present itself." As John only had a week he said "I was planning on visiting all Orphanages and Shelters around to talk to them to see what assistance they would most benefit from. Then I was thinking of setting up  and registering an organization that can cater for them, What do you think?"

  Bill pulling him into his embrace " You my Dear are amazing." The group finished their Lunch and made Plan on visiting all the different places that may require assistance. They split up all the tasks and would meet up at the mansion for Dinner and discuss things further.

  While they were all talking to various people John was also looking into how to register the organization and also he emailed a real estate agent asking them to find a warehouse/ Building that he could Buy to set it up in. While he was at it he decided to email the department of education to get their opinions on whether or not the Younger schools would benefit from any assistance.

  At the end of the day John and Bill arranged a lot of food and had it ready for when everyone arrived. John also set up an area with a white Board and  notebooks so they could collate all the information together and get their plan to move forward.

  While They were waiting John got a call from from the real estate agent saying he had a list of Properties that he may be of interest. So he got him to come over so they could have a look.

  10 minutes later everyone had arrived and were talking about what they had discovered, While they were eating. Just as they finished dinner they made their way to were John had set up everything.

  Soon the Real Estate Agent arrived and showed John all the properties he had organized after choosing a few to look he made an appointment with the Agent. As the Tasks were getting split up Marcus and Sophia decided to attend the Appointment and view the properties. 

  After the Agent left everyone sat down while John stood at the white Board writing important things down. For their Project they decided to write the process and conclusions down in a report for their individual Tasks. Then collate it into one at the end.

  Sebastian's Task was to contact companies that could supply all the resources (Food,Clothing) that the organization would need and Stephanie could help him with that.

  Joshua and Jack since they were both in the course John asked them to look into Education requirements (Schools Supplies and School Fee Scholarships options)

  All that was left was the Business side of thing so Bill would write the Plan of how to register the organization and Marketing options.

  The next day Marcus called John and Told Him they found a Warehouse that had a couple of offices in it which he thought was perfect."Also there is an Apartment Building next door that is for Sale the tenants have all been moved out it may need some work but you may be able to use it for emergency housing or something"

  John thought it was a great idea so he told Marcus to set up and Appointment with the agent for Him he will come by this afternoon and check it out and sign any paperwork and pay for anything that is required.

  In the afternoon John met the agent and went through the Warehouse and the adjoining Building. He liked it so he signed the paper work and paid on the spot. The agent was extremely happy as the commission would be really high as the Cost of the warehouse and the apartment Building was one Billion dollars.