John and Bill had touched each other as he walked passed. One of the Students named Tony had noticed it. He decided to talk to John after they left the class. After about 15 minutes John quietly led everyone out to head to the Next Place. 

A few Students asked Questions which John Answered, They visited a few more Classes before they decided to take a Break "We will have a break now, We can all head over to the Cafeteria if you like it is entirely up to you. We will all meet back in my Classroom in about an Hour and a Half"

John lead the way to the cafeteria just before they entered when Tony asked "Sir, can I talk to you for a minute Please?" John replied " Of Course we can go talk over there if you like" They went to walk away when Tony's Parents Started to follow " Can I talk to him alone please, I have something private to talk about?"

His Parents nodded and headed to the cafeteria. John turned and looked at the student "Is everything alright, you can talk to me about anything"

Tony thought for a minute "I wanted to ask for some advice, I can't ask my parents and I think you may be able to help" John Nodded "okay what is it "

The Student replied " I know this happens a lot but I just don't know how to work my feelings out because they are confusing me, I have recently found myself being excited when I see certain things, I felt this way before but this is different and I am not sure why?"



John trying to figure out what the problem is when something occurred to him " You found yourself suddenly attracted to men, is that what you mean?"

The Student Just Nodded "Is it weird, I have had a girlfriend but now this I am not sure how to handle it"

John smiled " There is absolutely nothing wrong or weird about what you are feeling, I had a Girlfriend in High School we even came here together," Seeing Bill walk out Smiling he continued "Now I have the most loving Husband on the planet"

  Tony noticed John looking over towards the Building. Seeing Bill waiting there "I saw him in the Business Class, is he your Husband?"

  John smiled at him "Yes he is, and you will work your feelings out, all I can say is follow your heart, it can surprise you sometimes, But also keep your eyes open so you don't miss anything, You are more then welcome to come talk to me anytime you like" Getting something out of his pocket " Here this is my Number and Email, Message me if you need anything or just want to talk"

With that they walked back over the Canteen. Bill Greeted them near the door."Hungry you two, we should go eat' John nodded "Let's go" Holding Bill's hand the three of them walked in to go get food.

They helped Tony organize his Lunch be fore they escorted over to where his parents were sitting, His Mother asked "Is everything Alright?" John Just Smiled " Everything is good ma'am,"  Tony's Parent's saw Bill Standing next to John "Sorry, this is Bill , My Husband"


Bill replied " Nice to Meet you," John and Bill went to eat their Food.  While they were eating they were aware of eyes watching them but they just continued doing what they usually do.  They were whispering  in each others ears, Thinking of taking off to relieve some tension. 

When a couple of students practically ran into the cafeteria. Everyone turned to look at them, going up to John and Bill "Boss, do you have a minute we need your help." John replied "Whats the problem?" 

The Student held up a couple of sticks that resemble the Escrima Sticks that John used before." We made these and added some extra built in LEDs that should activate when they are used. But we can't find anyone that can move them properly to test them for us, so we were hoping…?"

John Smiled Standing Up "Sure lets see what you got"  Holding out his hands.  John walked over "Move this table back a bit" All the Parents and Students were watching wondering what is going on. John was looking at the sticks.

Once the table was moved back he started to move the Sticks slowly at first but then he got faster. It was only then that the sticks started to glow it was awesome.

The students that bought them started to smile. When john finished "These are great, they are well balanced and I assume they lit up the way you wanted?"

The Students nodded "Yes thank you Boss." They then took the Sticks back and left.