Crossing paths

My car stopped at the prison,I had to travel here to see Elijah's pain and sufferings though the investigations are still on. I just wanted to see his pain so I could be satisfied.

I got down from my limousine and glanced at the entrance a bit before I took my step in.

Suddenly, I felt strange as I entered the police station. It was as if someone I loved and cared for is closer too me, my body kept reacting in that way and I couldn't understand the reason.

"Miss Clyde this way", I heard a voice say near me. My heartbeat increased because I knew who it was. I looked back to see who the person was in order to confirm.

" There I saw the one and only Clyde Lara" the one I had longed for and always loved. She was wearing a crop top and office length skirt with a sunglass. I couldn't take my eyes off her especially the way she was smiling beautifully. I am so sure she won't even remember me again, I am now a thing of the past to her.

As I stealed glances and admired her, suddenly she faced my direction as if she felt my presence too. I noticed that and was able to leave before she could see me.

After all the paper signing, I went to see Elijah then decided to leave. Luckily, I didn't cross paths with Clyde again because if I did, I wouldn't be able to control my self and my feelings.

I was already outside and was about to open my limousine when I heard a sweet and beautiful angelic voice talk.

"I want all the formalities to be done and I want my father to be out of this place soon after all you have seen the levity of the evidence I gave you".

I knew who it was without seeing the person. Who could it be than Clyde, I was so used to her angelic and beautiful voice, beautiful face and lovely smile.

Am so sure she will soon release her father from jail but which evidence could be so strong to save Elijah from my wrath..,

I have to leave here before she sights me, I opened the limousine's door, glanced at her a bit then drove off. Everything about her has changed, she looks damn pretty and fresh I am pretty sure she moved on so I think it's also time for me to forget her but I need to get the divorce done.

__To be updated soon