In the small town of Nobaya, located on the outskirts of a sprawling forest, the locals have always been suspicious of an island on the southeast of the town. They believe it to be cursed and haunted by the spirits of the dead, and warn outsiders to steer clear of it. But a group of ten friends, consisting of Peter, Liam, James, Daniel, Ahmed, Hannah, Maidy, Debby, Suzanne, and Paratha, decide to challenge this superstition and venture to the island for a weekend camping trip.

Excited for a weekend of adventure and exploration, they set out into the island with their camping gear, ready to make memories and conquer their fears. But as the night falls and the group sets up camp, they begin to notice strange occurrences around them. Shadows move in the darkness, whispers are heard on the wind, and the once vibrant forest begins to feel suffocating and eerie.

As the night progresses, the friends begin to realize that there may be some truth to the superstitions surrounding the island. They start experiencing terrifying events and unexplained occurrences that lead them to believe that they may not be alone in the forest. It becomes clear that something or someone is watching them, and they quickly realize that they may have made a grave mistake in venturing the island.

Fearing for their lives, the group makes the decision to pack up and leave the island as soon as the sun rises. However, the events of the night have left them shaken and disoriented, and they quickly realize that they are lost. They wander deeper into the island, hoping to find a way out, but instead, they stumble upon a decrepit cabin that seems to be abandoned.

Despite their initial reluctance, they decide to take refuge in the cabin for the night, hoping to find some respite from the terrors of the forest. But as the night progresses, they begin to uncover dark secrets about the cabin and the forest that surrounds it. They realize that they may never make it out alive, and that they have been caught in the grips of an ancient evil that has been haunting the island for centuries.

The group must now fight to survive and escape the clutches of the island's malevolent force. But as they struggle to find a way out, they begin to realize that they must confront their own inner demons and confront the fears that have been holding them back in order to make it out alive. Will they be able to escape the island before it's too late, or will they fall victim to the evil that lies within?

The sun had set long ago when Peter, Liam, James, Daniel, Ahmed, Hannah, Maidy, Debby, Suzanne, and Paratha arrived at the pier of the deserted island. The group of friends had been planning this trip for months, eager to escape their mundane lives for a weekend of adventure and relaxation.

As they disembarked the boat, the group noticed that the island seemed quieter than they had anticipated. There were no sounds of wildlife, no rustling of leaves, no gentle whispers of the wind. It was as if the island was holding its breath, waiting for something to happen.

The friends hiked through the thick foliage of the island, their flashlights illuminating the path ahead. They joked and laughed, but there was an underlying tension in the air. The darkness and stillness of the island were unsettling, and they couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched.

As they approached the abandoned mansion, which was to be their home for the weekend, they noticed that the building was in a state of disrepair. The roof was caving in, the windows were shattered, and the paint was peeling off the walls. It was clear that the mansion had been uninhabited for years.

Despite their initial apprehension, the group of friends decided to explore the mansion. They split into pairs and began to explore the rooms, each one hoping to uncover a hidden treasure or secret passageway.

As they delved deeper into the mansion, strange things began to happen. Objects moved on their own, doors creaked open and closed, and the temperature seemed to drop several degrees. The friends tried to ignore these occurrences, chalking them up to their imagination or the creaky old mansion. However, they couldn't ignore the feeling that they were not alone.

Suddenly, a blood-curdling scream echoed through the mansion, causing the friends to jump in fright. They rushed to the source of the sound, only to find that no one was there. The scream seemed to have come from nowhere.

The group of friends realized that they were not alone on the island. There was something else there with them, something sinister and malevolent. They didn't know what it was, but they knew that they had to leave the island before it was too late.

Breathless and with their hearts pounding, the group of friends huddled together in the grand hall of the mansion, their flashlights pointing in all directions. Everyone was in a state of shock, not knowing what to make of the scream they had just heard. Paratha, who had let out the scream, was still in a daze, unable to articulate what had happened.

Suddenly, a cold gust of wind blew through the room, extinguishing the candles and leaving the group in complete darkness. Panic set in, and everyone started calling out to one another, hoping to find some comfort in their voices. Then, like a whisper in the wind, they heard a faint voice say, "Get out, while you still can."

The friends looked around in horror, wondering where the voice had come from. Then, out of nowhere, a figure materialized before them. It was the ghost of a young woman, dressed in a long, flowing gown. She looked sad and lost, her eyes pleading with the group to leave the mansion.

Suzanne was the first to regain her composure. "Who are you?" she asked the ghost, her voice shaking.

"I am Isabella," the ghost replied. "This mansion was once my home. But now, it is haunted by the spirits of the past. You must leave, before they harm you."

The group of friends hesitated, unsure of what to do. They had come to the island for an adventure, but they had not bargained for a ghostly encounter. However, as they stood there, paralyzed with fear, the mansion began to shake violently.

The walls shook, the floor trembled, and the ceiling tiles fell to the ground with a loud crash. The ghost of Isabella disappeared, and in her place, a horde of spirits appeared. They were angry and vengeful, and they seemed intent on harming the group.

The friends knew they had to leave the mansion, and they ran towards the door, stumbling over the debris on the floor. They burst out into the night air, and as they ran towards the pier, they could hear the angry spirits howling behind them.

As they boarded the boat and sped away from the island, they knew that they had experienced something truly terrifying. The ghostly encounter had shaken them to their core, and they knew that they would never be the same again.