Despite the group's promise to never return to the island, they couldn't shake off the feeling that something was still unfinished. They had received closure from the spirits, but they couldn't forget the sense of danger and mystery that had drawn them to the island in the first place.

It was Paratha who suggested that they do some research on the island to see if they could uncover any clues about its past. The group agreed, and they spent weeks pouring over old books and articles, trying to piece together the island's history.

Finally, they stumbled upon a newspaper article from the 1920s that detailed a tragic event on the island. A group of fishermen had set out to sea and never returned. It was believed that they had been lost in a storm, but their bodies were never found.

As the group read on, they learned that the fishermen had left behind families and loved ones who had never given up hope of finding them. It was then that the group realized that they had been mistaken in their assumptions about the island. It wasn't a place of evil and darkness, but rather a place of sorrow and loss.

The group decided to return to the island one last time, not to confront the ghosts, but to pay their respects to the lost fishermen and their families. They set out early in the morning, bringing with them flowers and candles to lay at the spot where the fishermen had last been seen.

As they approached the island, they could feel a sense of peace and understanding wash over them. They knew that they had been wrong in their assumptions about the island, and that their journey had been one of discovery and growth.

When they reached the spot where the fishermen had last been seen, they lit the candles and laid the flowers. They said a silent prayer for the lost souls and their families, and then they turned to leave.

As they walked back to their boats, they could feel a sense of closure and resolution. They knew that they would never forget their journey to the island, but they were finally able to put it behind them and move on with their lives.

As the group sailed away from the island, they felt a sense of peace that they hadn't felt in a long time. They had finally laid the ghosts of the island to rest and found closure in their journey. They knew that they would always carry the memories of their experience, but they were ready to move on with their lives.

Over the next few months, the group stayed in touch and continued to support each other through the aftermath of their journey. They had all grown closer through their shared experience, and they knew that they would always be there for one another.

One day, Liam received an unexpected email from someone claiming to be a relative of one of the lost fishermen. The email was written in broken English and was difficult to understand, but Liam was able to piece together that the sender was looking for closure and answers about the fate of their loved one.

The group came together to discuss the email, and they all agreed that they had to do something to help the sender. They contacted a historian who specialized in the area, and with their help, they were able to piece together more information about the lost fishermen.

They discovered that there was a small memorial for the lost fishermen in a nearby village. They decided to travel there and lay flowers at the memorial, in honor of the fishermen and their families.

When they arrived at the village, they were greeted by the relative who had sent the email. They were able to communicate with the help of a translator, and they learned more about the lost fisherman and their family.

They spent the afternoon at the memorial, laying flowers and paying their respects to the lost fishermen. They also spoke to the relative, answering their questions as best they could and offering comfort and support.

As they left the village, the group felt a sense of peace and closure that they hadn't felt before. They knew that their journey to the island had been about more than just confronting ghosts; it had been about finding closure and helping others to do the same.

They knew that they would always carry the memories of their journey with them, but they were ready to move on with their lives, knowing that they had made a difference in the lives of others.

As the group made their way back home, they couldn't shake off the feeling that their journey was not yet complete. They had helped the relative of the lost fisherman find closure, but they felt like there was more they could do to honor the memory of the lost souls.

After much discussion, they decided to organize a fundraiser to raise money for a memorial in honor of the lost fishermen. They wanted to do something that would not only honor their memory but also benefit the local community.

They set to work immediately, reaching out to local businesses for donations and organizing an event to raise awareness and funds for the memorial. It took months of hard work, but eventually, they were able to raise enough money to build a beautiful memorial in honor of the lost fishermen.

The memorial was unveiled at a ceremony attended by members of the local community, as well as the relative of the lost fisherman who had reached out to Liam. It was a beautiful tribute to the lost souls, and it brought a sense of closure not only to the families of the lost fishermen but also to the group of friends who had journeyed to the island.

The group realized that their journey had not been in vain. Through their experiences, they had not only found closure for themselves but also helped others to do the same. They had come to understand that the power of closure and remembrance could heal even the deepest wounds.

As they stood at the memorial, looking out at the ocean, they felt a sense of peace wash over them. They knew that the lost fishermen were not forgotten, and that their memory would live on forever in the hearts of those who had known them and in the memorial that now stood in their honor.

The group of friends realized that their journey had taught them an important lesson - that closure and healing are not always easy to come by, but with time and effort, they are possible. And that sometimes, it takes a journey into the unknown to find the answers we seek.