The next morning, the group woke up early to start their journey back to the mainland. They had a long day ahead of them, and they wanted to get an early start. They packed up their things and loaded them onto the boat.

As they sailed away from the island, Peter noticed something strange in the water. It looked like a dark shape, moving quickly towards them. He called out to the others, and they all crowded around the edge of the boat to see what it was.

Suddenly, the shape burst out of the water, and the group realized with horror that it was a giant octopus. Its long tentacles reached out towards them, wrapping around the boat and pulling it towards the water.

Everyone panicked and started screaming, but Peter managed to stay calm. He grabbed a nearby oar and started hitting the octopus with it, trying to get it to release its grip on the boat.

The other members of the group quickly followed Peter's lead, grabbing whatever they could find and hitting the octopus with it. After several minutes of struggling, the creature finally let go and disappeared back into the water.

Shaken but unharmed, the group continued their journey back to the mainland. They were all grateful to be alive, and they couldn't believe the strange and terrifying events they had experienced on the island.

As they approached the harbor, they saw a group of people waiting for them on the shore. The local authorities had been notified of their disappearance and had come to investigate.

The group was greeted by a team of police officers and medical personnel who quickly assessed their condition. They were all exhausted and traumatized, but otherwise unharmed.

The police asked them to provide a statement of what had happened on the island, and the group recounted their terrifying experience. The police were skeptical at first, but when they saw the evidence of the damaged boat and the marks on their bodies, they knew that something strange had indeed occurred.

The group was taken to a nearby hospital for a more thorough examination, and they were all diagnosed with minor injuries and bruises. As they sat in the waiting room, they reflected on their experience and how lucky they were to have survived.

After a few hours, they were released from the hospital and allowed to return home. They all promised to keep in touch and to never forget the strange and terrifying events that had occurred on the island.

As they said their goodbyes, the group couldn't help but wonder what other secrets the island might hold. Would anyone ever venture there again, or would it remain a place of mystery and fear?

Only time would tell, but one thing was certain: the group would never forget their journey to that strange and haunted island.

As they made their way through the dense foliage, the group could feel their spirits lift. The sun was shining, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of wildflowers. For a moment, they all forgot about the strange occurrences of the previous night.

It wasn't until they heard a blood-curdling scream that they were brought back to reality. They froze in their tracks, listening intently for any other sounds. All they could hear was the rustling of leaves in the wind.

Hannah was the first to react. "We need to go see what's happening!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with urgency.

The rest of the group followed her lead, sprinting through the forest towards the source of the noise. As they drew closer, the sound became louder, and they could hear the unmistakable sound of someone crying out in pain.

Finally, they broke through the trees and stumbled upon a gruesome sight. Liam lay on the ground, his leg bent at an unnatural angle. He was clutching his calf, blood seeping through his fingers.

"Someone help him!" shouted Paratha, as she rushed to Liam's side.

Peter and Daniel quickly joined her, assessing the damage. "It looks like he's broken his leg," said Peter grimly. "We need to get him back to camp and get him some medical attention."

They quickly fashioned a makeshift stretcher out of branches and leaves, and carefully lifted Liam onto it. Ahmed and James helped to carry him, while the rest of the group scouted ahead, searching for the quickest and safest route back to camp.

The journey was slow-going, and Liam was in excruciating pain. The group was forced to stop several times to allow him to rest and catch his breath. The atmosphere was tense, and everyone was on edge.

As they approached the campsite, they could see that something was amiss. The tents had been torn apart, and the fire had been extinguished. Their supplies were scattered across the ground, and there was no sign of their guide.

"What the hell happened here?" exclaimed Suzanne, her voice barely above a whisper.

Debby and Maidy rushed to the tents, frantically searching for any clues as to what had happened. They found nothing but more chaos and destruction.

Ahmed knelt down beside Liam, "We need to get him some medical attention immediately. We don't have time to figure out what happened here."

The group quickly set up a new campsite, their focus solely on getting Liam the help he needed. They fashioned a splint out of branches and carefully tended to his wound.

As the night fell and the group settled in for the night, they couldn't help but feel a creeping sense of dread. Something was out there in the forest with them, and it wasn't friendly. They all huddled together around the fire, the warmth providing some comfort in the midst of the unknown danger that lurked just beyond the light.

No one spoke, each lost in their own thoughts and fears. They had come to this island seeking adventure, but they had found something much more sinister. And they knew that they may not all make it out alive.