After fleeing from the witch's hut, the group continued to run through the forest until they were completely out of breath. Finally, they stumbled upon a clearing, where a small cottage sat at the edge of a river. It looked old and abandoned, but it was the only shelter they could find.

As they approached the cottage, they noticed something strange. The windows were all boarded up, and the door was chained shut with a large padlock. It was as if the owner of the cottage had been trying to keep something out.

Despite their initial reservations, the group decided to investigate the cottage. James used his strength to break the chain, and they cautiously entered the small house.

The interior of the cottage was just as eerie as the exterior. The walls were covered in cobwebs, and the furniture was old and covered in dust. The air was musty, and there was a strange smell that hung in the air.

Ahmed walked over to a fireplace in the corner of the room and tried to start a fire. He struck a match, but the wood was damp, and it wouldn't catch. As he gave up on starting the fire, the group heard a loud banging noise coming from upstairs.

They all froze in fear, listening to the sounds coming from above. After a few moments, the noise stopped, and the group hesitantly climbed the creaky staircase to the second floor.

At the top of the stairs, they found a long hallway with three doors. The first door was locked, and the second was jammed shut. The third door opened easily, revealing a room with a large four-poster bed in the center.

As they entered the room, they were hit with a wave of cold air. The group huddled together, shivering, as they surveyed the room. Suddenly, they noticed something strange about the bed. It was covered in a thick layer of dust, except for one spot where it looked as though someone had recently been sleeping.

Debby, who had been quiet for most of the journey, let out a small gasp. She pointed to the corner of the room, where a figure was standing. It was the witch from earlier, and she looked angrier than ever.

The group was frozen in fear as the witch began to approach them. They tried to back away, but there was nowhere to go. Suddenly, the witch stopped in her tracks, and a look of confusion washed over her face.

"Why are you here?" she asked.

"We're just trying to find our way off this island," said Peter, trying to sound brave.

The witch looked at them skeptically, but then her expression softened. "I can help you," she said. "But you must do something for me first."

The group exchanged nervous glances, unsure of what the witch would ask of them. But they knew they had no other choice. They nodded in agreement, and the witch began to explain her request.

"I need a powerful spellbook that has been stolen from me," she said. "It is in the possession of a group of thieves who live on the other side of the island. If you can retrieve it for me, I will help you escape."

The group hesitated, but they knew they had to agree. They had come too far to turn back now. They left the cottage and headed into the dark forest, unsure of what they would find.

The sun had set, and the moon was high in the sky as the group sat around a campfire on the beach. They were all tired from the long day of hiking and exploring, but there was a sense of camaraderie among them that had been missing for some time. They had all faced their fears and come out the other side stronger.

Peter was roasting marshmallows and passing them around while Liam strummed on his guitar. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore provided a soothing background noise.

Daniel looked up at the sky and pointed. "Look, shooting stars!" he said.

The group turned their attention skyward, marveling at the bright streaks of light across the dark canvas.

Hannah sighed contentedly. "This is so nice. It's been a while since I've felt so at peace."

Paratha nodded in agreement. "It's amazing what a little adventure can do for the soul."

Debby yawned and stretched. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready for bed."

The rest of the group agreed, and they began to pack up their campsite.

As they were cleaning up, Ahmed noticed something strange on the sand. "Hey guys, come look at this," he called out.

The group gathered around as Ahmed shone his flashlight on the ground. There was a strange symbol etched into the sand, a circle with an X in the middle.

"What do you think it means?" Suzanne asked.

James shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe it's just some local folklore or something."

Maidy shivered. "It gives me the creeps. Let's get out of here."

As they were walking back to their tents, Liam suddenly stopped in his tracks. "Guys, do you hear that?" he asked.

The group fell silent, listening intently. There was a faint sound coming from the jungle, a soft chanting.

"What is that?" Peter whispered.

The group hesitated, unsure of what to do.

Daniel took a deep breath. "Let's go check it out."

The others nodded in agreement, and they slowly made their way towards the source of the sound.

As they got closer, they could make out a group of people standing in a clearing in the jungle. They were dressed in robes and chanting in a language the group didn't recognize.

"What are they doing?" Paratha whispered.

Suddenly, one of the robed figures turned and saw the group. The chanting stopped abruptly, and the figure pointed at them.

"We should go," Suzanne said urgently.

But it was too late. The robed figures began to move towards them, their eyes glowing in the darkness.

The group turned and ran as fast as they could back to their tents. They could hear the sound of footsteps behind them, getting closer and closer.

Just as they reached their campsite, Liam stumbled and fell to the ground. The robed figures were almost upon them.

"Come on, Liam!" Peter yelled, helping him up.

They all dived into their tents and zipped them shut just as the robed figures reached them. They could hear them banging on the sides of the tents and chanting in that strange language.

The group huddled together, hearts pounding, as the robed figures continued their eerie ritual outside.

Eventually, the chanting died down and the robed figures retreated back into the jungle. The group sat in silence, trying to catch their breath and process what had just happened.

"We need to get out of here," James said finally.

The others nodded in agreement, and they quickly packed up their belongings. They didn't even bother putting out the fire, just in case the robed figures came back.