Peter said, "We made it. We are finally free from that cursed island." The others nodded in agreement, grateful to be alive and together.

Liam turned to James and said, "I can't believe we made it out of there alive. I thought for sure we were goners." James nodded solemnly, still shaken from their experience.

Ahmed spoke up, "I never want to see anything like that again. The ghosts, the shadows, the strange noises at night... it was all too much."

Hannah shuddered, "I'm just glad we found each other and made it out together. It was a nightmare, but we survived."

Maidy added, "I never want to set foot on another haunted island again. I think I'll stick to the beach from now on."

Debby nodded in agreement, "Count me in. I never want to experience anything like that again."

Suzanne spoke up, "We should report what we saw and experienced to the authorities. No one should have to go through what we went through."

Paratha chimed in, "And we should also let others know to avoid that island. It's not safe."

As they walked down the pier, they saw a group of police officers waiting for them. One of the officers stepped forward and said, "We've been waiting for you. Are you the group that was stranded on the haunted island?"

Peter stepped forward and said, "Yes, that's us. We managed to survive and make it back to the mainland."

The officer nodded, "We have a few questions for you about your experience. Would you be willing to come down to the station to give a statement?"

The group agreed and followed the officers to the police station. They spent the next few hours recounting their harrowing experience on the haunted island, giving as much detail as they could remember. They shared their theories about what had happened on the island and how it had become so cursed.

As they finished giving their statements, Liam turned to the group and said, "I think we should all do something to commemorate our survival. Maybe a dinner or something?"

The others nodded in agreement, and they made plans to meet up for dinner later that week. As they left the police station, they felt a sense of relief knowing that they had survived the haunted island and could finally move on with their lives.

Over the next few weeks, the group slowly returned to their normal lives. They kept in touch and met up for occasional dinners, but they never spoke of their experience on the haunted island again. They had made a pact to move on and leave that experience behind them.

However, deep down, each member of the group knew that they would never forget the horrors they had faced on that cursed island. The memory would stay with them forever, a constant reminder of the fragility of life and the power of fear.


Peter's wife ran to him and hugged him tightly. Liam's parents hugged him and praised him for his bravery. James' girlfriend was crying tears of joy and relief, and Daniel's mother was thanking the heavens for bringing her son back to her. Ahmed's siblings were so happy to see him, and Hannah's parents were overjoyed that their daughter had made it back safely. Maidy's husband was hugging her tightly and Debby's children were crying with happiness.

Suzanne's husband and children were also there, and they ran to her as soon as she stepped off the boat. She hugged them tightly, tears streaming down her face. And finally, Paratha's parents were hugging her and thanking the group for bringing their daughter back safely.

The group members were overwhelmed with emotions as they were reunited with their loved ones. They had been through so much together, and they had all become like family. They knew that they would never forget this experience and that it would stay with them for the rest of their lives.

They looked at each other and smiled, knowing that they had accomplished something amazing. They had faced their fears, overcome their obstacles, and had come out stronger than ever. They knew that they would always have each other, and that they would always be there for one another no matter what.

As they walked away, they couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for each other and for their loved ones. They knew that life was precious, and that every moment was a gift. They had been reminded of that on the haunted island, and they were determined to make the most of every moment they had.

After they had spent a few days recovering in the hospital, the group was finally ready to go home. The local authorities had launched an investigation into the island and found several disturbing facts about its history.

The island had been used as a quarantine station during the 19th century, where people with contagious diseases were sent to die. The ghosts of these unfortunate souls still haunted the island, causing the strange occurrences that the group had experienced.

Peter, Liam, James, Daniel, Ahmed, Hannah, Maidy, Debby, Suzanne, and Paratha were relieved to be leaving the island behind. They said their goodbyes to the hospital staff and made their way to the dock where a boat was waiting to take them back to the mainland.

As they sailed away from the island, the group sat in silence, lost in their own thoughts. Liam was the first to break the silence.

"I can't believe we made it out of there alive," he said, shaking his head.

"I know," replied Peter, "I'm just glad we're all okay."

The others nodded in agreement. They were all still a little shaken up from their experience on the island.

As they approached the mainland, they could see a small crowd waiting for them on the dock. It was their families and loved ones who had been anxiously waiting for their safe return.

Tears welled up in Hannah's eyes as she saw her parents waiting for her. She had never been so happy to see them.

Daniel's wife ran to him as soon as he stepped off the boat, throwing her arms around him and crying tears of relief.

Suzanne hugged her husband tightly, grateful to be back in his arms again.

As they were reunited with their loved ones, the group realized just how lucky they had been. They had faced their fears and come out the other side, stronger for it.

Over the following weeks, the group stayed in touch, meeting up for dinner and drinks, and checking in on each other to make sure they were all doing okay.

They all agreed that the experience had changed them in some way. They were more appreciative of the people and things in their lives, and they had a newfound sense of courage and resilience.

The island may have been haunted, but it had also taught them some valuable life lessons.

Eventually, life returned to normal for the group. They went back to their jobs and their families, but they would always carry the memory of their time on the island with them.

Years later, they would look back on that experience as a defining moment in their lives, one that had brought them together and taught them the true meaning of friendship and bravery.

And although they never spoke of it again, they knew that the bond they had forged on that haunted island would last a lifetime.

The group members went their separate ways, but they stayed in touch, and they would often meet up to talk about their experiences on the haunted island. They knew that they had a bond that would never be broken, and that they would always be there for each other.

And so, the story of the haunted island came to an end, but the memories and the lessons would stay with the group members forever. They had learned the power of friendship, courage, and perseverance, and they knew that they could overcome anything as long as they had each other.