Chapter 309: Kensei Muguruma

In the distant sky, the reiatsu of a captain-level Shinigami rapidly approached the area where Hell's Gate had just disappeared.

The incoming Shinigami was a heavily built man with a strong, rugged face. He had pierced ears and short hair around the sides and back of his head, with slightly longer silver bangs in the front. He wore a sleeveless shihakushō, with a white captain's haori draped over him like a coat, exposing his muscular arms. He also wore black fingerless gloves that extended just below his elbows, giving him an imposing appearance reminiscent of a biker gang member.

Following closely behind him was his lieutenant, a petite figure wrapped in a shihakushō, with a red scarf trailing behind her as she moved. Her slender waist was cinched with a white sash, and her face radiated innocence and purity. She had tousled, short green hair and wore goggles perched on her head. She was pouting, clearly expressing her dissatisfaction to her captain.

"Nuh-uh, this isn't our job. Shouldn't we just wait for orders?" Kuna Mashiro pouted, yawning sleepily. "You like watching me sleep, don't you? I'm really tired, so I could sleep right now!"

"I didn't ask you to come along!" Kensei Muguruma responded, a vein throbbing on his temple. His muscles tensed, and he gritted his teeth. "I only covered you with a blanket because you were sleeping half-naked! I wasn't trying to watch you!"

Kensei's breathing became rougher, and he shot Mashiro an angry glare.

Every time he interacted with his lieutenant, his temper flared. He had merely come across Mashiro sleeping in his room, her clothes half-off, exposing herself. Concerned she might catch a cold, he had simply tried to cover her up with a blanket. But she had woken up and now constantly teased him about it, accusing him of being a pervert.

This incident always made Kensei's blood boil, and the vein on his temple would pulse furiously.

They were headed to investigate the appearance of Hell's Gate in the area because recently, some prisoners had mysteriously disappeared from the various district jails in Rukongai. These jails, located in the numbered districts from 1 to 80 in each direction, were under the jurisdiction of the Ninth Division.

Unahara Ichirou, a member of the Ninth Division, had reported these disappearances, which Kensei found suspicious. Before setting out, the captain of the Fifth Division, Shinji Hirako, had advised Kensei to look into the peculiarities and common traits of the missing prisoners.

The appearance of Hell's Gate above the desolate area of Hanakure struck Kensei as particularly unusual. Though he wasn't sure if the missing prisoners were connected, he felt it was imperative to investigate.

Although investigating this kind of occurrence wasn't strictly the responsibility of the Ninth Division, with no other divisions able to arrive in time, Kensei Muguruma had no choice but to head over and assess the situation.

The downside was that his lieutenant had noticed what was happening and insisted on tagging along, which only gave Kensei a headache.

The appearance of Hell's Gate in the Soul Society was unprecedented, something that shouldn't be possible. Clearly, this was an extraordinary event with immense danger, and Kensei didn't want Mashiro Kuna to be involved. Seething with anger, he shouted, "Go back and sleep now! I can handle this on my own."

Besides, the location where Hell's Gate had appeared was emanating a complex and powerful reiatsu, almost equal to that of a captain-level Shinigami. It felt as if it was coming from one person or perhaps hundreds, making it hard for Kensei to discern. This led him to suspect there was a captain-level battle happening, giving him a very bad feeling.

Mashiro, however, was unfazed by Kensei's anger; she was used to it and knew that most of it was always made by her.

"Kensei, I'm the lieutenant, so I have to follow the captain. Don't you know that, you idiot?"

"I don't want to! Ah, Kensei is being rash and wants to show off again!" Mashiro pouted, then flopped down in mid-air like a child, rolling and tumbling through the sky with flash steps, yelling, "No, no, no, I won't!"

Mashiro was also worried about Kensei facing the unknown dangers of Hell's Gate alone. The waves of reiatsu were truly alarming. No matter how much Kensei roared in anger, she refused to leave and even wanted to stop him from going to investigate.

This was typical of their interactions.

It's always the innocent and adorable lieutenant who drives Kensei Muguruma to the brink of anger, almost to the point where he feels like hitting someone.

In moments like these, Kensei wished Mashiro Kuna were a boy, so he could teach her a lesson with his fists and instill some respect for the captain.

"Hell's Gate is closing!" he shouted. In his anger, Kensei noticed that the eerie presence of Hell's Gate was receding, as if the probing tendrils were being pulled back.

Quickening his flash step, Kensei sped towards the vanishing gate.

Mashiro, still rolling through the air like a child having a tantrum, followed closely.

As they drew nearer, Kensei's eyes widened in shock. The entire forest had been razed to the ground, revealing charred earth and lava, massive craters, and crystallized rubble with smoke still rising.

It was clear that the forest had been subjected to a relentless barrage of powerful energy, burning it down completely.

What he was witnessing was the aftermath of Aizen's final casting of Hadō #91: Senjū Kōten Taihō, which had obliterated the forest.

Kensei could only imagine the level of power required to unleash such destructive energy, signifying an immensely strong reiatsu.

He became more alert, realizing that if he had to face the person responsible for this destruction, he might not stand a chance.

"Hmm?" Kensei's stern expression tightened as he sensed the complex and varied reiatsu waves lingering in the devastated forest. It was puzzling.

Was this the work of a single entity with a composite reiatsu?

Or a collective effort by many working together?

Or perhaps one individual masking their reiatsu with various complex signatures?

Kensei pondered these possibilities as he surveyed the desolate, smoldering landscape.

"Kensei, there's a child over there!" Mashiro suddenly exclaimed.


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