Darica listened speechlessly as Yuka practically scolded and chided her as if she was a child.

That was the first time that Yuka had done something like that. Even four years ago when she slammed the other on the ground and taught her a lesson before making her surrender, Yuka wasn't that bold.

And yet it seemed like she had taken some weed and became courageous all of a sudden for her to face her like that.

However, the more she listened to Yuka admonishing her like that, the more her words resonated with the inner battle she had while she was on the bus.

The family was what she placed number one in her life, and she was the last. For her, as long as she made sure that those kids had food to eat, clothes to wear, go to school, and have a roof over their heads. She could even forget about herself.

And because of that duty, something that others would call a burden, she just couldn't find herself to freely date, for she felt like dating and love would lead her astray.

She didn't want to be fully concentrated and dedicated to one person when she had five hundred people to take care of.

However, the more she listened to Yuka, the more she got enlightened. For what Yuka was saying was the truth.

The family was doing much better than it was before. The projects that they have been doing ever since she took over from the four of them had been supporting the family and they were doing well.

However, she was ambitious and wanted more than what was already there and thus more work and more selfishness, and, in the process, she neglected herself.

Just like what Yuka said, she could be selfish for once and without trying. How was it possible to know what the outcome was like?

She was just being a coward, and she knew that.

Maybe what she needed was a push and encouragement from someone else. That way, she won't say that if it ever went wrong in the future, it was her decision.

Yuka, on the other side, had finally finished saying what she wanted to say. And like someone who did something while drunk and now sober, she was scolding herself harshly as she stole some glances at Darica who had remained quiet during the whole ordeal.

Darica was always quiet from the moment that she saw her. She was more of an action person and when she made a move, all hell would always break loose.

Whenever Darica truly gets angry, it was a bad idea to be close to her for those that were nearby would suffer.

And saying all these words, Yuka knew that she had somehow crossed the lines for the family was Darica's life, but she couldn't help it.

And after saying all that, she couldn't look properly at Darica for she feared what was coming.

Darica on the side, finished digesting the words that Yuka had spoken and raised her head to look at the young girl who had gotten bolder unexpectedly and caught her unaware.

She couldn't help but find it amusing, and she was curious just what gallbladder Yuka ate for her to act that bold.

So, with a smirk on her face, Darica asked as her gaze fixated on Yuka who seemed to be dodging her gaze, "Getting bold aren't we?"

"Badum, badum."

She felt like she was about to go crazy. Her heart was already racing due to nervousness increased, and her back felt drenched even more.

Clasping her sweaty hands, Yuka courageously looked at Darica who wore a smirk that was sending chills down her spine, and responded, "I will take whatever punishment, but I just wanted you to think more of yourself. And I won't apologize for this," holding her firm though her shaky eyes and trembling body betrayed her.

Seeing Yuka like that, Darica who couldn't find the energy to even get angry at the other, for she wasn't the one at fault, but burst into laughter.

It was Yuka's time to be shocked as she watched Darica tearing up like that. Honestly, she couldn't find what was laughable about the situation, but since she didn't want to stack her crimes, she remained quiet and watched amusingly until Darica was done.

Raising her head to look at Yuka who had for once stopped acting like a coward and gave it to her straight, something that had indeed made her wake up and get enlightened in turn, she felt grateful.

If someone like Yuka who had always done her best to be on her best side without provoking her after their encounter years ago, was so courageous to face someone she feared the most, though she never showed it. Why would she fear entering a relationship with someone who seemed to love her that much?

If it fails, then she would start from there instead of being a coward from the start.

Wiping away the tears from her cheeks and the corner of her eyes, Darica looked kindly at Yuka disposing of the scary expression she had earlier, and said to Yuka, "Thank you for being bold and giving it to me straight. It really means a lot to me," meaning every single word she uttered.

Getting a different response than she was expecting, Yuka was slow to respond, for she was dumbfounded by what she had just seen and heard.

Seeing Yuka in a stupor, Darica didn't get upset but continued to speak to the other as earnestly as she could, "I will stop neglecting myself. I will give myself a chance. If it fails, I will try again until it becomes perfect. The world is already fucked up and I alone am not enough to change anything. So, I will take this moment to find happiness for myself without forgetting the family. It's going to be tough, but I will give it a try."

Hearing the second part, Yuka finally looked at Darica, her tears threatening to come out as she looked at Darica, "Darica, you….. you will do that?" and asked, her tone filled with disbelief.

Darica reached out her cold hands and took Yuka's small and smooth hands in her rough ones and smiled at her.

"Umm, since my little sister had shown me the way, why should I let her down?" and asked teasingly, making Yuka's tears finally stream down her cheeks.

"You….. you scared me!" Yuka cried out as she lunged into Darica's arms.

She had been sitting on pins, after saying all that, as she was afraid of what was to come. But for her to hear the opposite and see that Darica meant every single word she said and wasn't going to punish her for that, Yuka felt relieved.

All the emotions she had been holding in for years began to pour out.

So, the scenario ended becoming of Darica coaxing Yuka to stop crying for a long time before Yuka went to sleep.