In Darica's room, she was busy taking a shower. After a long day, she was all sweaty and needed that refreshment.

With all the posing done during the day and under the sun, Darica just wanted to take a rest too, but she knew that it was impossible, especially during such a moment.

After the shower, Darica who barely wore dresses and skirts, picked some baggy jeans from her suitcases and a sweatshirt.

For the shoes, she just wore sneakers and didn't bother to add more.

With four studs on her ears and a lip ring as the only jewelry on her body, Darica was ready to leave her room.

She checked herself for the final time before picking up her phone and started walking towards the door.

As she reached the door to pull it open so that she could go out and meet up with the others, a familiar face came into view.

Spreading a smile on her face, she looked at the person in front of her and chuckled. 

"What are you up to?" she asked, wondering what the other was plotting this time.

Yuka looked at Darica who looked devilishly handsome as she always does and couldn't help but regret that she was born as straight as a maypole.

'How can she look so hot like that, even when covering everything?' she thought.

Shaking her nasty thoughts away, Yuka looked at Darica with her lips curled and answered, "Since I was curious about something, I thought that getting the answers as we head over to the restaurant would be a good idea."

Upon hearing that, Darica automatically knew what the other was up to. And honestly, after that talk with Yuka on the ship, Darica felt that the young girl deserved to get some answers from her.

Shutting the door behind her as she walked out, she motioned for Yuka to follow along as they both walked toward the elevator.

"And you just ditched Tristan for that?" Darica asked, amusingly as she recalled how those two were a couple.

Pouting sulkily, Yuka answered Darica with a puffed face, "Hmmm, don't talk about him. He went to Duke, and I bet that he will be having a man-to-man talk with him."

Raising her eyebrows in surprise, Darica turned her head to look at the sulking Yuka and said, "That's interesting," before facing the front and continued, "So, which answers do you seek today?"

Yuka hearing that Darica wasn't pursuing Tristan's issues, she regretted spilling out, for she didn't mean to tell Darica about it, but somehow found herself exposing the details.

"Are you and Duke a thing now?" 

Yuka decided to go straight to the point, otherwise, she might end up being the one interrogated, and that wasn't something that she wanted especially at that moment.

Hearing that question, Darica felt that Yuka was going easy on her. After all the young girl was spicier earlier that morning than what she was at that moment.

Stopping in front of the elevator and waiting for it to reach her floor, Darica, without facing Yuka answered, "Umm, I have decided to follow my heart and give him a chance. So, you can say that we are a thing now," without hiding anything.

Hearing that, Yuka smiled at Darica, relief washing over her. 

She was no longer a child and she would get upset that her leader was dating. As much as she didn't like Duke, it seemed that he had changed for the better in the year he had been pursuing Darica.

And if he were to hurt Darica; a sly smile appeared on her face for a second. He would definitely regret ever seeing her in the first place.

"That's good then. Don't let him hurt you though, but if he ever did, remember that we are there for you. We will always deal with him no matter what!" with a firm tone as she spoke, Yuka vowed to be always there for Darica.

A sense of relief washed over her as she listened to Yuka. They had always been there for her, from day one and supported her throughout it all.

There was never a day when she thought that they would abandon her, at least without informing her first. But she was still grateful that Yuka said that to her, especially at a time when she was experiencing something new.

"Hmm, I will let you guys deal with him if he ever tries something like that!" with laughter in her tone, Darica supported Yuka, the lover of violence.

The elevator finally reached the floor, and the two young women boarded it, which already had people in it.

Moments later, the two finally joined the others at the restaurant, and since they were a bit late. Others were already eating, which was not a problem, for she didn't like it when everyone waited for her, for it just didn't make any sense.

Finding the table with Tristan, Duke, and the other three student council members, the two walked over there as they returned the greetings of their fellow students.

Duke, seeing his woman arriving and him being a gentleman, naturally stood up and helped Darica to her seat.

Looking at his gentlemanly ways, Darica who was obviously not used to that, couldn't help but look at Duke with a questioning gaze, 'What the heck are you doing?'

Not seeming to mind what Darica was thinking about, Duke flashed his signature smile at Duke, making the curious girls watching from a distance swoon over him.

"I missed you!" instead of explaining himself, Duke, who had gotten somehow used to being brutally honest when it came to Darica, found himself blurting his feelings in front of many.

Yuka gawked at Duke, finding him very bold and courageous to blurt that aloud in a restaurant filled with a lot of people. But when she shifted her gaze towards Darica, she facepalmed herself as she chided herself.

Tristan held Yuka's hand as he comforted her beneath the table, but a smile couldn't be hidden on his face.

'Who would have thought that one day I would get to see such an expression on her face?' he thought amusingly.