Duke sniffled as he looked at Darica who was looking at her with sincerity.

That's what really hurt him when he started the relationship. Darica wasn't the type of person to conceal her emotions. She was showy and for her; it didn't matter where she was.

As long as she felt like showing her like or love to him, she would do it right there without hiding. And that alone was enough for him to make him satisfied.

Although he knew fully well that their feelings were imbalanced, he was happy, as he knew that he was the first man that Darica was doing all that to.

From what he knew, Darica had never dated seriously, though he wasn't sure about whether she was intimate with others or not, which he highly doubted.

He knew that she was scared to love, and he was fine with that as he planned to slowly get her to be used to his presence and maybe one day, she would be in love with him as he was.