"Darica, you …. Haha, I love you do you know that?" Diana couldn't help but laugh as she drove the car back to the mansion while recalling how Darica managed to everyone, rendering them speechless with just one sentence.

"Troublemakers don't need to be entertained. Since they like trouble, then just give them a taste of their own medicine!" Darica nonchalantly said.

"Hehe, is that how you dealt with me back then?"

"Um. And I am glad that you learnt from it."

"But why does it sound different this time? I thought that you would roast her for a while like you did me back then!" after bonding the previous day, Diana finally accepted that Darica wasn't a bad person.

She was a bit cold but warm-hearted. Although she didn't show much in the way that everyone expects a woman to show her love to a man like, she really liked her brother so much.

And unless you provoke her, she wasn't one to come after you.