Chapter 448 – Double Deal

Since Dark Dream only had two people who could work with this thing anyway, Nick decided to spend about four hours in there.


The Containment Unit had a clock near the ceiling, and Nick just glanced at it from time to time to see how long he had been in here.


Although, he had to be careful not to look at the clock for too long.


After around an hour, Nick noticed that he kept losing his focus from time to time, and by now, the Attention Seeker was only a meter in front of him.


Another hour later, it was standing directly in front of Nick.


By now, it had come within striking distance.


But instead of becoming afraid, Nick raised an eyebrow in interest.


If he wanted to, he could just walk around the Specter and go to the wall on the other side of the Containment Unit, putting several meters between them.


But he decided against it.