Chapter 778 – Glasses

Ten researchers stood on top of Aegis' headquarters.


The ten researchers looked around with fear.


This wasn't the first time they had tried to get past the Envious Researcher, but usually, they did it very differently.


The way Aegis used to get past the Envious Researcher was relatively simple but consumed a lot of resources.


Whenever they needed to distribute a new technology, Aegis gathered almost all their researchers in a powerful but open Containment Unit.


This Containment Unit was the second most powerful Containment Unit Aegis owned, and it could contain an Adversary.


The Champion and the Left Arm would be inside the Containment Unit together with the researchers, while the Technician would stay outside to operate it.


This Containment Unit was the only one that didn't have the safety feature, which delayed the opening and closing of its main door.