The Technician lay powerlessly in front of Nick.
This time, it was Nick who was wearing the suit, and the suit was constantly filling him with Prephyx.
The Technician was suffering immensely, just like all the other Protectors.
However, he was an Initial Shield.
His potential was far higher.
Nick was experimenting with his Zephyx Manipulation.
After a couple of months, he believed that he had a working prototype, but he needed even more suffering to make sure that it worked.
But Nick had been prepared for that eventuality.
One had to remember that Nick grew more powerful just by causing suffering.
He didn't need to make people asphyxiate to become stronger.
"Technician," Nick said after some months.
The Technician weakly looked up, breathing heavily.
"I'm sorry, but I need more suffering," Nick said.