The next moment, Nick cut the treasurer's head off, and the body fell lifelessly to the ground.
Then, he calmly landed behind the Technician.
At that moment, the door opened, and somebody entered.
The Champion of Light.
Naturally, he had been watching this entire time, and he looked with furrowed brows at the corpse before turning to Nick. "Explain," he demanded.
"He is a Specter," Nick said. "I only cut his head off. A human would die, but a Specter would survive. His Specter Core is undamaged."
"Why don't you slowly incinerate his body and see how he reacts?"
The Champion narrowed his eyes.
Then, he pointed his hand at the corpse.
Light started to gather in his hand.
"Wait!" the headless corpse transmitted as it sprung to its feet. "I concede! You can suppress me!"