A start to something new

Chapter 6 (edited)



Sitting in the audience chamber of the Volturi's main base

Aro, Caius, and Marcus were listening to a very interesting story from one of the vampires they had sent in search of new covens.

And finally, he had returned after almost one hundred years of traveling in search of more covens to add to the volturi's numbers. But he didn't just return with information on different covens but with a very intriguing story.

" I first heard of this man not long after I left in search of other covens."

The tall vampire named Antuli said as he kneeled in front of the three leaders.

" I started my journey by going north into the land of the savage tribesmen."

"In search of any information that might lead me to a coven I also started hearing tales of a strange man that would come to their village every few decades and heal their sick or dying."

"At first I thought that it was a traveling healer." but the farther I traveled I still heard stories"

"Some villages say he has been coming to their village or tribe for hundreds of years and then would move on."

"At first I didn't believe them thinking it was just a tale, but even some villages in the far east have stories of this man saying the same thing, that he has been coming to their village for hundreds of years."

Aro sat on his throne and tapped his fingers on the armrest thinking.

Turning to look at Marcus, Aro asked.

"what do you think brother"

"I think we should find this man. Who knows how old of a vampire he is and what abilities he may possess? Perhaps it is a healing ability that can be very useful when making deals with certain humans, Bring them back from death's door, or one of their loved ones."

Aro smiled and let out a chuckle.

"Yes brother, that would be a good idea."

"Once we have enough members with abilities we can use we will be able to finally end the Romanian coven then the other bothersome covens and bring the vampire world under our rule."

Caiud said in his pompous voice.

"Yes, once the Romanian coven is gone the Volturi will be the ruling coven," Aro said, turning back to the still-kneeling Antuli.

"I want you and two others of your choosing to go and find this man and bring him back."

"As you command," Antuli said, standing and slowly backing out of the chamber.

"And if he doesn't wish to join," Caius asked standing from his throne after Antuli left.

" then we will use Charmion to make him," Aro said with a smirk leaning back in his throne

(Charmion is a female vampire with the ability to influence emotional ties and can manipulate others. This is how Aro was able to force those to join the Volturi when they never wanted to.)



I was currently traveling among tribes in Spain or at the time known as the Iberians. Healing and doing a little trading.

instead of the over ten animals I used to have. I only had a horse named Buttercup pulling a small cart now while I walked beside it.

I was walking down a small path that led east.

While walking I turned on my playlist of favorite songs and zoned out knowing that my horse would stay on the path and would stop when confused on where to go.

It was midafternoon when I stopped to have lunch under a tree just off the path that kept the sun out of my eyes.

"I'm so happy I made sunglasses," I said to my horse Buttercup. I have made glass thousands of times in the pursuit of making sunglasses. The only problem is I was shit at it

First, it was finding something hot enough to melt the materials for it.

Then the shaping and darkening of the glass that took so long.

But I was determined to make them.

And now I have a few dunzen in my wagon as back ups.

Over the years I've had many animal companions. It always hurt when they died but death is unavoidable and just made me cherish the moment that I had with them even more.

Pulling out a sack of smoked meat and flatbread from the cart I set it down then untied Buttercup and let her graze while I ate.

Food in this era sucks. It's bread, porridge, vegetable or chicken stew, fish, and cheese, and different kinds of preserved meat. Yes, those are all good foods but they're so bland.

Every now and then I will go to India or other places and find places that have certain spices that I can buy but they only last so long.

I would buy spices by the pound. But I tended to be heavy handed when it came to them and run out within a year.

Making a smoked meat sandwich. (Two flat pieces of bread with smoked meat in the middle) I took a bite and chewed hard. The dried bread and smoked meat took a lot of chewing just to get down but I do with what I have.

Taking out my water skin I took a deep swig to help the bite go down without choking on it.

As I'm taking the swig I hear the sound of people running fast. Not like normal people but like me when I run at full speed.

"Vampires" I whisper

Standing in a flash I look in the direction they are coming from. From the sound, it's three, maybe four.

Not wasting a second I blur to the wagon pulling out one of my bronze swords and getting ready to finally put my fighting skills to the test.



It's been two years since he was sent in search of the white-haired man. First, he went north looking for any village that had seen him recently. It took seven months to find a village he had recently been in. so following his trail we figured out he was going southwest towards the Iberian people.

As they passed through the villages something piqued Antuli's interest.

Every time the white-haired man came to a village no one went missing from the villages, not even the poor people that nobody would miss.

That's how Antuli could track covens. look for a village or city where the poor tend to go missing and you find the coven close by.

But never did a person vanish when the white-haired man was there. Making Antuli slightly suspicious.

"How is he surviving if not on human blood?" Antuli thought as they continued their journey.

It took them over a year to finally catch up with the white-haired man.

It took them this long because they would need to stop and feed every time they found a village or city and would lose a day every time. Thankfully the white-haired man stayed a few days at every village or city letting the vampires slowly catch up with him.

Finally, they came to a village in the southern area of Iberian. Like usual they entered the village covering themselves in black and red cloaks making sure not to let the sun touch their skin and let the villagers see them sparkle.

It only took a few minutes to get the good news.

The white-haired man just left the village

Once they got the direction that the white-haired man headed in the three took off once out of sight.

Blurring through the woods following a path through the woods the three of them could finally see an end to this long journey of tracking down this man. And finally bringing the hunt to an end.

After running for ten minutes they finally caught sight of a cart and a brown horse grazing not far from it. Then finally the white-haired man.


I got bored and decided to go ahead and write this chapter