Birth of Horror


Streets of Brockton Bay -

Shadow Stalker cursed as she hides from the many hunting parties that are hunting for her. Thanks to that doctor that look to have walked out of an old black and white film, everyone now knows her identity. She had managed to grab her costume and crossbow before she escape from the school, not that it helps her now. And all of Taylor's minions are hunting her down, where they're going to cut her limbs off like they did to Emma Barnes, and Madison Clements. 

Now she's hiding in a empty apartment, after being chased by pigmen who have buzz saws attached to one of their arms. She lost them when a blob tried to grab her, instead it grabbed the pigs. Now she's trying to figure out what to do next. She couldn't go back home as those things would be already there waiting for her. She saw what they did two her two friends and what they did to the other students and teachers.

Peeking from the window of the third floor apartment, she looks at the group of Taylor's minions being lead by a giant of a man with a dwarf on his back. From what she could hear the giant's name is Nick and the dwarf is Laird. Made easy since the dwarf is shouting out everything. Reminding her of Master Blaster from that Mad Max film.

The giant, Nick is an inhumanly large, hunched and hulking who is clearly a brute class. He is covered from head to toe in infected, pus-filled sores. His entire head is wrapped around in bandages, which obscures most of his facial features except for his left eye and mouth (which appears to be torn at the side). His right eye is mostly covered up, although a small glimpse on its side implies that it's been severely damaged. He wears a torn-up, sleeveless shirt, torn trousers with a belt around his hips, as well as what appears to be a metal leg brace around his left leg and walks barefoot. Nick also has a hook with a T-handle wrapped around his hips with a chain and a large satchel on his back, which contains arrows. Nick is also equipped with a leather saddle on his back for Laird to ride in, which is strapped around his arms, as well as featuring a belt which straps around Laird to keep him in place, and two more larger belts that connect directly to the saddle itself which strap around Nick's forehead.

Laird appears to be a small, hairless, middle-aged man suffering from dwarfism, so much so that he almost looks infant-like in terms of facial features. Like Nick, his body is covered in heavily infected, pus-filled rashes. Laird appears to be shirtless, except with several areas of his upper body bandaged up, and appears to wear brown shorts and a form of belt which keeps him strapped onto Nick's saddle. It also appears that both of Laird's legs are amputated, hence why he is riding on Nick's back. He is arm with a small bow for someone of his size to use.

They're with three other men who look to be right out of a hillbilly inbred hick horror flick. Came in short, thin, and very large, types and dressed like hill folks. The first man is armed with a pump action shotgun has half his face deformed, wearing overalls and an orange shirt underneath. The short one is skinny with a distended belly and only wearing pants and boots, he's armed with a rifle. The last if the largest standing over seven feet tall, wearing a mechanic outfit. He's armed with an axe that he held in one hand, as he has a extremely swollen or clubbed fingers on his left arm that is bigger then the right. 

Shadow Stalker drew in a breath as she sees that Hunter from the school coming into view. The Hunter is large with a somewhat stocky physique and a massive head covered by a burlap sack tied around his neck with twine, with a single eyehole where his right eye would be, topped with a brown Gatsby cap. The rest of the Hunter's outfit consists of a green overcoat, brown trousers, brown gloves, and black leather work boots. His coat is noticeably worn and crudely stitched together, with the seam of his right shoulder being the most threadbare, revealing a white cotton-like substance bulging out from between the stitches. He's armed with a double barrel shotgun and carried with a old fashion lantern which when the beam of light it emits is shines on her, cause her shadow breaker form to turn off. Causing her to have to duck behind stuff and people, as the Hunter shoots at her.

And he wasn't alone, right behind him is a horde of people dressed in what looks like dark green hazmat suits with gasmask helmets with green lens on the masks. They came in 3 different types, which could be made out by the type of hazmat suit they wear. 

The smaller ones have hooded suits. They're armed with spears constructed by duct-taping four knives to the end of a broomstick handle. They also carry bundles of spears on their backs for throwing.

The big ones with the lack of a hood are armed with old fashion bear traps on their arms. The jaws of the trap are folded back past the normal open position, exposing the pressure plate. When a punch connects, the pressure plate makes contact with the target causing the trap to snap shut. 

The last are taller than the short ones but are slimmer than big brutes and wear a hood. They're armed with spears and carry a bomb on their backs. The bomb is an improvised explosive incendiary device. It is constructed from sensor modules strapped to a fire extinguisher. 

A truck with the head of the old Marvel villain Green Goblin, and a road train that is a tractor-trailer with multiple trailers, came rolling up to the group. The road train came to a stop and the trailers numbering 6, doors open with a ramp lowered. A horde of what look like werewolves came pouring out of the trailers, and a man who dresses in a long, black hooded coat and has a huge backpack came out of the driver's side of the truck. 

The other truck with the goblin face open it's trailer and four giants, all being at least around 10 to 12 feet tall came out from it. Two of them like like giant wolfmen, unnaturally large and muscular, with a wild mane of grey hair around their faces. But the one on the right has several tendrils protruding from a large growth on his back. He also has armor-like protrusions on his shoulders and face, with the latter resembling a wolf mask. He more normal looking one is armed with a massive maul with a broad head filled with spikes, like an oversized meat tenderizer. The other has a gigantic morning star filled with blade-like spikes all over its surface.

The other two giants looked the same with both having bloodied scars on their bodies and a noticeable hunchback. They also both carried a giant axe.

"About time you showed up Merchant. Hunter here track her to be around here" Laird said the the man in the black coat, pointing to the Hunter. 

The Merchant had walk into one of the trailers and brought down a handcart with a crate full of lanterns. The same type that cancels out Stalker's breaker form. And the mob are grabbing them, so that they be able to keep the parahuman from turning into a shadow and escaping again.

"I know that's why I brought the lycans to help hunt her down. Speaking of which, I got you an upgrade," the Merchant said walking to the Hunter.

The Merchant opens his coat and showed it has an arsenal of ammo and weapons inside. He pulls out a double barrel shotgun that's been customized and hands it to the Hunter. Who takes the new shotgun and hands the Merchant his old one after taking out the two shells loaded in it.

"It has a double revolver mechanism allows the weapon to fire 6 shots before reloading. And has a Tesla upgrade, kinetic energy from firing is used to charge several dynamos, generating an electric shock. The girl is weak to being zap," the Merchant said.

The Hunter grunted and loads the new shotgun and got a feel for it. Then the Hunter holds the shotgun with the barrels aimed at the window that Shadow Stalker is peeking out of and listening in on them. Both barrels fired, sending electric charged pellets smashing into the window, Shadow Stalker turn to breaker form only for the electric charged pellets to hit her shadow form, causing her to turn back to normal. 

Shadow Stalker ran out of the apartment as a lycan crawled through the broken window followed by more. What happen next was a blur for Shadow Stalker as she ran down the hallway of the apartment building with werewolves right behind her. She topple anything that could to slow the werewolves down as they ran after her. She reach the end of the hallway and recovered enough to transform into her shadow form and slip underneath the last apartment door. 

Inside the apartment, Shadow Stalker braced the door with a sofa as the werewolves pounded on it. She turn back to shadows and enter the air vent of the building escaping the room as the door began breaking. She twisted and turn around the vents till she reach the ground floor. She peek from the vent cover seeing the werewolves pouring into the building from the front door. 

"She's in the vents!" a werewolf who is dressed as a cop and holding a gun shouted as he fires at the vent covers sending Shadow Stalker fleeing. 

The werewolves followed her by her scent with more bullets striking the vents and lights from the lanterns shining into the vent covers. Making, Shadow Stalker to make detours as she tried to find a way out. Knowing that if she gets hit by the lanterns light she'll turn back to normal and be squeezed inside the air vents that a normal human body couldn't fit in. 

The werewolves began shining their lights into all the air vents they could find, blocking the so called hero's escape. Forcing Shadow Stalker to climb higher and higher up the building as the werewolves shined their lantern's light into the vent covers or rip them off. Till Shadow Stalker had no choice but to get to the roof and exit from the ventilation on the roof. 

Bursting out of the vent Shadow Stalker suddenly found herself turning back to normal causing her to fall on the vent. Looking around she saw what looks like ash drifting around the air, and someone whispering something. Looking up she saw it's coming from a balloon with a coffin hanging from the bottom. There are also women with bird wings and bird feet flying in the air around the balloon, harpies. And a few of those demons with wings dressed in school uniforms, who attacked the school with the other monsters.

It's a dirigible with an unseen, mysterious dead guy inside who whispers inside the coffin that is hanging underneath the balloon. Spreading what look like ash from underneath it, that caused Shadow Stalker to turn back to normal. Hanging on the side is a young woman with pale blue skin with long black hair and wearing a black stripperiffic outfit that looks to belong in black metal or gothic metal band. She's armed with a strange looking cannon like weapon, which is a cannon that was ripped from the engine-like carcass of a Razorfire Boar.

She's not alone as she's with a man and a woman on the dirigible. The woman is hanging on the other side and is wear a very revealing skin tight outfit that is green with yellow lines, the suit has a long vertical cut across her torso, revealing a lot of her voluptuous body. The outfit matches her hair that's green with yellow stripes that is so 80's hair with how long and full it is. The man is wearing a black hooded robe that only shows his white face and arms. His hood does have four holes on top that allow his white hair made in braids to come out. 

"Caroline, Benge make sure she's taken alive," the goth said as she thrust her hand at Shadow Stalker sending the harpies and winged demons down at the hero.

Shadow Stalker fired her crossbow at the balloon to send it falling, only for Benge to jump up taking the crossbow bolt into his torso. The bolt just seemed to fly into his body causing him no harm, Benge smirks at her showing that won't work on him. Shadow Stalker turn and ran trying to turn back to shadow as the harpies and demons attack her, clawing at her as she ran. Behind her Caroline drove down to the roof top where she merged with the roof, swimming towards Shadow Stalker as the harpies and demons mobbed her. 

The roof suddenly burst as the massive spike Morningstar of one of the giant werewolves, was thrusted up through the roof. Followed by the massive body of the werewolf pulling himself up from the hole he made. The bursting out of the floor, caused the harpies and demons to shatter allowing Shadow Stalker to escape. She got far enough away from the ash to turn to shadow and escape the roof by the rain gutter. 

"You idiot!" Caroline shouted at the werewolf. "We had her!"

The werewolf whimpered seeing how he messed up.

"Benge after her!" the goth shouted. 

"Right away," Benge said jumping off the balloon and merging with a nearby shadow. 

Bursting out of the rain gutter, Shadow Stalker had spears thrown at her shadow form from the people wearing the hazmat suits. They attack her shadow form with their makeshift weapons, which prevented the hillbillies and the Hunter from blasting her with their guns in fear of hitting their own people. 

Shadow Stalker race along the ground flattening herself as she tried to find a way to escape, a lantern light shines on her turning her back. Forcing her to run down an alleyway as a flaming arrow hits her back. Only the protective layer of Kevlar of her suit saved her, but did force her to loose her cloak as it began burning. She twisted her body as Benge pop out of a shadow trying to grab her as she ran pass him.

"Got her!" Laird shouted.

Bullets began flying as the ones with guns began firing down the alleyway with the lights shinning on her, preventing her from turning to shadow. Bullets struck Shadow Stalker's body with the armor of her suit giving her some protection from the bullets. The howling of the werewolves and the bullets stop flying told her enough to keep running.

A PRT van appears at the end of the alleyway, the side door opening with a trooper waving for her to get in, while another is firing containment form shells at the incoming horde. The form shells struck the in coming horde causing a pile up, people became in case in form causing the ones behind them to run into them causing others to fall. The werewolves kept coming as they crawled over the fallen or began crawling on the walls of the alley. 

The PRT van was rammed out of the way as a bulldozer rams it from behind. The bulldozer is covered with what looks like living toys. A babydoll, a Jack in the box, a teddy bear, a robot with treads for legs and gun turrets for arms, a toy soldier, and a smiling, cloaked demon toy doll. 

There are also 4 dolls that look handmade, a African warrior carrying a spear, a German Soldier armed with Luger and a helmet with a sharp spike, a samurai with a sword and a Porcelain Girl with her face cracked open in a way that gives her an ear to ear grin of jagged porcelain.

A large female doll in a red dress is sitting at the driver's seat, with what looks like Chucky with her. On either side of them are two robots a boy and a girl, both holding balloons and holding signs. Both of the robots let out loud children's laugher that could be heard for blocks. 

The robot began firing real lasers and the German soldier fired his gun at Shadow Stalker who had no choice but keep on running while shielding herself with her arms. She got out of the alleyway and saw the PRT van still there, even if the back is dented, with one of the troopers waving for her to get in. She drove into the side door of the van and it took off down the road. 

The van drove down the streets with the bulldozer right behind them, bulldozing everything out of its way. The German soldier toy and the robot continue to take pot shots at the van. Behind them are the werewolves, joined by other monsters and things out of horror fiction who were alerted by the two robot kids laughter. 

"We have Shadow Stalker! We need backup," the trooper on the passenger seat shouted over the radio.

A rocket came close to hitting the speeding van as an old-fashioned ice cream truck with pink polka dots patterning its white-painted chassis and a macabre clown head mounted on the roof, came barreling out from a side street. The man with a wooden clown mask and a flaming head, laughs as he fires his mini guns at he van. The van is armored but the bullets from the high powered gun is still doing damage to the van. Followed by fireballs being fired down from the goth hanging to the side of the dirigible from her cannon. 

More monsters joined in on the chase, a trio of robots, speeding on treads and firing lasers from their heads, joined the chase. The laser blasts struck the van as which only is holding together thanks to it being designed to take punishment. But only up to a point as the driver couldn't keep control of the van with it being shot at.

Missiles fired from one of Dragon's drones shot down the balloon and took out the ice cream truck and bulldozer. Followed by machine gun fire and more missiles on the horde of monsters, sending them running for cover. The trio of robots fired at the drone, but miss it as it's flying too fast for them and it return fire destroying them.

"Get Stalker to HQ, I give you cover," Dragon ordered using the radio the troopers have in the van.

"On our way," the lead trooper said who is driving the van. 

Behind them came a wave of Angel theme cars, which Dragon's drone fired down on trying to keep them off of the van. The cars are real angels called, Irenic. An angel that, surprisingly, resembles a car. It travels throughout Paradiso to spread the message of Divine Will. (1)


PRT HQ The Rig - 

Director Emily Piggot wasn't happy how things are turning out. Thanks to one of the Wards bullying another girl causing her to trigger, then the entire Brockton Bay is now besieged by the projections of a master on the level of Nilbog. No, it's worst then what he did to his city, he merely slaughtered the people there, the Hebert girl is changing it. 

Not only are the police and PRT troops dealing with all the monsters that are appearing through the city. Sea monsters and people in old fashion diving suits walking out of the water. Creatures crawling out of the sewers, coming out of shadows, and just out of thin air. But there are reports of entire buildings just appearing in the city. 

A massive castle had appeared in the Downtown Coast area. From the reports coming in the castle Chaythe belongs to a vampire. Who couldn't join in on the hunt as she couldn't walk out in daylight. 

Another castle appeared near the Commercial District and belongs to Dracula. 

A enormous fortress called Salazar Castle at the docks. 

A castle appeared near the downtown area, called Castle Dimitrescu. A steady stream of monsters are coming out from the castles.

A large factory appeared in the Train yard area. Like the castles there monsters are coming out of it, that look like cyborgs with large drills on their arms. 

There are even buildings appearing outside of the city, on lands that weren't there before. There's even a entire walled city of Trolberg, that appeared south of the city.

With more reports from all over the city of buildings appearing out of nowhere, all thanks to the newest parahuman in the city. Who is turning out to be a S class with what's she's doing and she isn't even awake to do it. Her projections are tearing the city apart looking for Shadow Stalker who triggered their master. 

Unmasking her on live tv, revealing what she and her two friends did, how the school did nothing just because she's a Ward, it's a PR nightmare. That's if the Hebert doesn't die and all the monsters she brought to life will no longer have anything holding them back anymore. Some of the projections have been identified as horror movie monsters and slashers as well as from other works of fictions. And from the looks of things they all have their powers from fictions.

She's having a team make a list of all the monsters that are appearing. So that they know how to handle them and know how dangerous they are. A blue pony sized unicorn wearing a wizard cape and hat was laugh at, before she started using her magic on people. The monsters and other creatures are mainly only are searching for Shadow Stalker, but there are reports of them attacking people around the city. 

"We need every cape team of the Protectorate on the ready to stop the Hebert girl or the city will be walled off, if the worst happens," Piggot said.

"Walled off?" a agent asked. 

"The slashers are easy enough to deal with, they're just normal people. There's reports of the slashers being killed around the city, seems that they're not bulletproof outside of their movies. The ones who we need to worry about are the monsters and the ones with powers. The only reason this hasn't become a bigger bloodbath is that all the monsters are only interested in finding Shadow Stalker," Piggot said as an alarm sounded. "What's happening?"

A agent brings up a screen with a small island that had appeared in the bay near the rig. The only thing on it is a tall smokestack that has black smoke coming out of it. 

Then it started moving...

Rising from the water came a huge metal dome, revealing that what looked to be a small island was in fact a massive underwater vessel like a submarine. The size of it dwarfed the rig both in size and mass, sonar showed that what they're seeing is only the upper top of it. 

Out from the opening of it's shell came a horde of swimming monsters and boats heading for shore. All heading towards the downtown area where the Brockton Bay PRT Headquarters is located at. 

"Armsmaster there's a incoming of monsters heading for the downtown PRT HQ," Piggot said. 

"A van managed to pick up Shadow Stalker and is heading there right now. Dragon is using her drones to cover them," Armsmaster said. 

"Have Shadow Stalker lock in a cell. We're in enough trouble because of her. What's the status of Panacea," Piggot ask. 

"Glory Girl is flying her to the hospital where Ms. Hebert is located," Armsmaster said. 

"We need her awake and keep her projections from tearing apart the HQ," Piggot said. 

"Oh, you're going to be locking her in a cell?" Killjoy's voice came on the line. 

The screens suddenly had Doctor Killjoy on them. 

"Yes, once they're at the HQ, Shadow Stalker will be thrown into a holding cell," Piggot said. 

"Seeing how our mistress will be waking up, she should be the one who decides what happens to Sophia Hess. I'll have the others stand down, but we'll be watching for anything. Sophia Hess is not to be sneaked out and if our mistress wants her to suffer... Is a small price to pay to avoid a bloodbath," Killjoy said as the screens turn back to normal. 

"You heard him, kiddies," a familiar voice spoke on the screen showing the news. 

Instead of the local news anchor, is instead what looks like a zombie or a ghoul at the news desk. Which many who seen the tv show knows as the Crypt Keeper.

"Sophia Hess's fate is going to be decided when the boss wakes up. So just surround the building and wait around. And if anyone who even thinks about maybe killing our boss will make us all disappear. That's not going to happen. We're here to stay and I don't know about my fellow minions of our boss. But I for one do owe her for bringing me to this world. And more importantly," the Keeper said motioning for the camera to turn to something off screen.

The screen suddenly shows a two-faced man and a mummy standing together at the side. The Keeper's parents Enoch who was a sideshow freak and Myrana, a 4,000 year old mummy.

"She brought my parents back to life," Keeper said walking to his parents and they group hugged. 

Then Keeper turns to the camera. 

"So, I'll say if the boss lady is killed. We make sure that we show this world what happens when all of us horrors and nightmares, can do when we're pissed off and not fighting among ourselves," Keeper said before laughing his trademark laugh spreading fear through the city.


  The Hospital - 

Taylor found herself sitting in front of the tv in her home wondering how she got here. She was trap in her locker, she heard screaming coming from outside. Then the door of the locker was rip off by a tall red skinned parahuman, with bat wings and fire for hair, then she blacked out.

Taylor looked around wondering what happen, she saw strange doll sitting next to her. A yellow triangle with a single eye, black arms and legs, wearing a black bow tie and top hat. She doesn't remember having a toy like that, but it does look like something she had seen before.

"Hi boss!" the doll spoke.

"You can talk?" Taylor asked surprised.

"Sure can, names Bill Cipher," Bill said floating in the air. 

"Wait, I know you. You're from that cartoon show Gravity Falls," Taylor said pointing to Bill. "I must be dreaming."

"Right you are, you're in a coma right now and in the hospital. But have some great news, you're a parahuman now," Bill said.

"I am?" Taylor asked.

"Yup, you're a master who can summon monsters from anything that is horror theme in fiction. Even with you being in a coma, you're still bringing more of your minions to life. And I must say, I have to thank you for summoning to this world. New rules and all that, I was stuck as a statue till you brought me here. In fact many of us had been summon right after we were beaten by the heroes," Bill said.

"How many are there?" Taylor asked.

"Oh hundreds of us and growing. Seems you don't need to be awake to use your power to summon us. Who by the way are all from horror related worlds, I think it's your theme , with all the monsters and creatures like me being summon, also there are some normal humans as well from those worlds," Bill said. 

"And all of you obey me?" Taylor asked.

"Yup and it's a good thing as you're the only one who is keeping the others from tearing apart each other and this world. Sure it's fun but being beaten has gotten me to thinking that if I destroy this dimension like I did with my dimension. I might be stuck in this one for good. Of course it might because of you influencing me but it has gotten me thinking of long term plan of what to do," Bill explains. 

"Wait I remember you're a reality bender. You can do anything, you can get rid of the endbringers," Taylor said.

"Sorry boss, but that's only while, I'm in my show. Here in this world, I don't have that kind of power to grant my own wishes. I tried to appear in the real world and I can't so I don't have the power to just snap and those monsters be gone. There is no Nightmare Realm in this world and I draw most of my power from there, and that I don't have a body now, what you see is my mind. In fact most of the others who were god like in their worlds aren't anymore. Like the slashers aren't protected by plot armor anymore and aren't facing people who are horror movie level dumb," Bill said.

He made a screen appear showing Michael Myers being gunned down and beaten by what looks like members of the Empire. Unlike what happen in the second movie, they didn't stop when the killer is down, they kept smashing his head with bats and pipes. 

Another screen shows what's left of Jason Voorhees who was blown up by Squealer's makeshift tank.

Leatherface is killed by ABB gang members in a hail of gunfire.

The Hillikers are gunned down by the police. 

And other scenes of other human slashers who had been doing their thing and finding out the hard way that unlike in their films, they're not unkillable and people aren't dumb or can't fight back. (2)

"Like the people in the movies when they have a gun never just shoot the slasher in the head?" Taylor asked.

"Yup, just like that. The ones from videogames are also no longer have gameplay working for them. No more health bars or being able to be shot by nukes and not harming them because of they can't be defeated till their final boss battle or that only one weapon can harm them. And no more silver bullet is the only thing that will kill them, the silver bullet just works better but other bullets will work, eventually," Bill said.

"What about wish granting beings?" Taylor asked.

"The Djinn from Wishmaster is still able to grant wishes but he's a jerkass genie who will twist the wishes. He's not happy that he's the only one here and even granting the final wish wouldn't open a portal to hell. And he will steal your soul when he grants you a wish. There is also the one from The Outing but he's more of doing whatever he's command to do and can only make wishes for material things," Bill said.

"So none can just get rid of the endbringers?" Taylor asked.

"Why not ask them boss," Bill said snapping his fingers and two djinns appeared in the room. Along with three women, all dress in harem outfits. 

"The guys don't have names, for the girls, there's Gigi Grant, her sister, Djinni "Whisp" Grant, and Desiree who are all genies," Bill introduced the wish granting beings to Taylor.

"So any of you can grant my wish to make the endbringers disappear?" Taylor asked.

"Sorry but we're genies we can only grant wishes for material things and simple wishes," Gigi said.

"And we're not strong enough to affect those endbringers," Whisp adds.

"I can grant any wish I hear but they all can be undone easily or just wear off," Desiree said. (3)

"My power won't won't on them, they're immune to it," the Djinn said and the other djinn nodded in agreement.

"So you can't effect them. Any idea why?" Taylor asked.

"For some reason my power won't work on any parahuman," the Djinn said. (4)

"Great I have five wish granting minions and none can really help in getting rid of the endbringers even with wishes," Taylor said. 

"Sorry mistress," Whisp said with her and the other wish grantees looking worried.

"At least one of you can heal me so I can wake up," Taylor said.

"Mistress we already did, your parahuman power just makes you really resistant to me and my sister's magic," Gigi said.

"And you were healed by that parahuman who can heal others," Whisp said. 

"What about you?" Taylor asked Desiree.

"The same," Desiree said. (5)

"And I know you're the type that will twist any wish so that it won't be what I want," Taylor said looking at Djinn who looked worried. "I seen the movies you're in and I don't like jerkass genies."

"Now, now, I promise you any wish you make won't be twisted," the Djinn said worried. 

"Like the wishes you been granting?" Gigi asked causing the Djinn to glare at her.

"What did he do?" Taylor asked.

"Been twisting wishes so that something horrible happens to the wisher. Like that kid who wanted to have unlimited power. You blasted him with millions of voltage," Desiree said.

"What!" Taylor shouted glaring at the Djinn. 

"What about you granting that woman's wish for her husband to fuck himself," the Djinn said.

"I can't help it. I'm compelled to grant the wishes of others no matter what wish it is," Desiree said.

"Oh, yeah like those three slashers from earlier some of your minions have been doing their horror related thing to the people of this city," Bill said.

"What?" Taylor asked.

"We went and rampaged through the school and the only ones who are still ok are the ones who weren't at school today," Bill said. 

Bill made a screen appeared that showed Madison and Emma on bed, both missing their arms and legs.

"I wish for you to be able to choose what wishes you can grant," Taylor said turning to Desiree.

"As you wish it, I'll shall grant," Desiree said granting the wish and found that she can now choose what wish she will grant.

"As for you," Taylor said glaring at the Djinn who backs away. "Go away!" 

The Djinn burst apart into nothing. Scaring the other wish granters, seeing the display of power their mistress has.

"What happen?" Taylor asked.

"You don't just have the power to summon us but also desummon us," Bill explains. 

"Where did he go?" Taylor asked.

"Have no idea," Bill answers.

"Desiree, I wish you tell me where he went," Taylor said.

"He's nowhere, he simply ceased to exist," Desiree said causing her and the others to gasp at their mistress.

"Well it looks like you can just make of us just cease to exist. No coming back from that. Unless you can resummon them," Bill said.

Taylor thought about it and Djinn reappeared in front of her, completely horrified. Taylor frowned and he burst apart again, scaring the others.

"I never did like him in the films," Taylor said then thought of something. "Why if I'm healed I'm still in a coma?"

"Emotional baggage and other nightmares by my guess. But don't worry the other Dream walkers are handling it," Bill asked.

"Who?" Taylor asked.

"These guys," Bill said making four people to appear in the room.

Nightmare Moon a black pony with a mane that looks like the night sky and wearing armor.

Pitch Black the Boogeyman a pale man with chalk white skin and black hair, wearing a black robe.

Freddy Krueger the burn slasher who kills people from the dream world.

Twyla Boogeyman whose fashion sense reminds Taylor of Victorian era.

"A cute pony is a monster? Wait, you're from My Little Pony," Taylor asked looking down at Nightmare Moon who grimed as the others laugh at her.

"Maybe this form be better," Nightmare Moon said as she transforms into a human form, with her now dress in a human version of her pony armor. She still has her wings and horn on her tall human form, which Taylor couldn't help but notice that unlike in the show that showed what Luna looks like as a human. The one standing before her isn't bound by the rules of being for kids, as she has a very lust and busty body, that her armor does little to hide the fact. Helped by the fact that she stands around 8 feet tall.

"Ah, what's the matter, you don't want the boss hugging and cooing at how cute you are?" Freddy mocked only for an anvil to fall on top of him. Which flattens him like he's a cartoon, and he sprung back when he slides it off of him.

"Don't worry unlike in his world, you can't die in a dream… well I guess you can still die from causing a heart attack if they have a weak heart. Or just make them be unable to get any rest with endless nightmares that causes them to scream and wake up. A few days of no sleep will cause mental stress that can lead to death. Sleep deprivation is lethal for most things, causing hallucinations, panic attacks, dementia, and finally death," Bill said.

"He tried didn't he," Taylor asked.

"I did but it didn't kill them," Freddy said worried about angering his new master, knowing what happen to Djinn.

"Who?" Taylor asked.

"The two girls who we already caught, the ones who stuff you in that locker," Freddy said.

"Good," Taylor said as she began thinking. With her emotional baggage and nightmares being taken care of by the dream walkers, the self doubts she had are all but gone. "Seeing how all of you can enter dreams, I want you all to fill the dreams of everyone who allow what happen to me, have nothing but nightmares. Let the lack of sleep affect their brain functions and their physical health. Don't kill them, I want them to suffer."

"Can do," Pitch said liking his new master way of thinking.

"How long till, I'm awake?" Taylor asked.

"Depends on you, we been cleaning up your mind but it's still up to you," Bill said.

"What about my dad?" Taylor asked.

The tv turned on showing Mr. Hebert sitting next to Taylor's real body. He isn't alone as two female nurses are with him, as well as a female doctor, and Panacea. The cape is talking with her father about something and talking with someone on her com channel. Standing in the door way are two women, a large woman wearing a rabbit mask and the same red demon who freed her from the locker.

"My niece, Sunset Shimmer. She's the one who freed you and brought you to the hospital," Nightmare Moon said seeing her mistress looking at Sunset.

"The PRT are worried about what would happen if you suddenly died. Nothing keeping all of us, your minions in line," Bill said.

"Me and my sister both come from a world where monsters and humans live together, not always at peace but compared to other worlds. We're a lot more peaceful," Gigi said.

"Tell me everything," Taylor said to her minions and turns to Bill. "And I need you to do something for me."

"Sure, boss," Bill said. 


Real world -

In one of the tv studios of the the city, has been taken over by the monsters running around. Some of the workers of the studio had fled while others who couldn't are now manning their stations as they did before. They're being ordered around by Mortimer Handee, who is carried by a man with a black sack over his head wearing a dark blue suit with a black tie. 

Mortimer is a wooden ventriloquist dummy made to resemble an elderly gentleman, given his grey hair and mustache. He seems to be a stereotypical "high-class fellow" as he wears a black suit with a blue neckerchief, black top hat with a red band, and golden monocle. 

The man whose arm is holding Mortimer isn't in control as it's Mortimer who is controlling the host as he calls him. There are also several other puppets around the studio and all of them are alive, brought to life by voodoo magic. Sounds silly but with all the other monsters and creatures running around, doesn't sound that out of place.

Nick Nack is a wooden, humanoid ventriloquist dummy designed to look  like a stereotypical artist. He has dark brown hair brushed into a quiff style, with a goatee and mustache. He has purple/maroon eyes, long, pointed eyelashes, high, rosy cheekbones, and an elongated chin. Nick wears a white, paint-splattered tuxedo jacket with blue lapel and red-orange cuffs. Underneath, he wears a black sweater with a red-orange and yellow flower pinned to his lapel. 

Daisy Danger is a cheerful-looking puppet, made to resemble a woman with a happy countenance and harmless attributes. She is designed with blonde hair that's swooped back in twin curls on either side by a blue head  band, big blue eyes, a small button like nose, bright red lipstick, and rosy cheeks. She dons a white apron with a bit of a pinkish tint over a ruffled red bell shaped dress, and a large pearl necklace to accessorize.

Riley Ruckus is a wooden ventriloquist dummy designed after a young woman with curly red hair, tied in a large bun. She wears a white lab coat, black safety gloves and black goggles on her forehead. She has a neckerchief with printed teeth around her mouth. She also has mismatched eyes with very small pupils, adding to her 'crazed lunatic' look. 

The last member of the crew is Riley's dog Rosco, his body is deformed into a very large, vaguely canine beast. His jaw is practically detached, with a long, realistic tongue hanging out, his entire mouth lined with jagged teeth. His eyes are completely mismatched in both size and color. The bright red collar has been stained mahogany, and his name-tag is a dull, brassy color. What's left of his fur has gone from a glossy blond to a very dirty blond-brown color, the rest being patches of olive, cornflower and lavender fabric sewed to various parts of his body. One of the paws on his long, thin legs are replaced with a human foot, and the other is two hands wrapped together, with a human arm dangling from his chest. Riley is tucked inside of him, so it's likely that the arm is the unused hand of Riley's host. 

They're being helped by the Banana Splits, Fleegle a dog, Bingo a gorilla, Drooper a lion, and Snorky a elephant. All of whom are robots, along with a woman dress up in pieces of an owl costume Hooty. There are also a bunch of animatronics, of bears, chickens, bunnies, foxes, and other things running around the studio. Who are keeping the police at bay outside. 

"Alright we're live in… 3, 2, 1!" Mortimer said to the tv crew working the local news desk.

The news desk has Crypt Keeper still at the local news station but is joined by Slappy the dummy from Goosebumps. 

"Hello boils and ghouls, I'm the Crypt Keeper," said ghoul introduced himself. 

"And, I'm Slappy. We're here to give you the up to date news of the deathwatch of Sophia Hess who is also the cape Shadow Stalker. Who bullied our boss for over 2 years with the school knowing and doing nothing about it because she's a Ward. Who showed that she's just a coward when facing against people who fight back," Slappy said. 

"Instead of fighting the gang that tore up the school and saving the people there, she instead ran away like the scared little girl that she is, who can only be strong when she isn't facing people who will fight back. And she wet herself, which the trail of piss is how we found her," Crypt Keeper said.

"Right now the others of our boss lady's summons or projections for those who are around here call us, have surrounded the downtown PRT building where Shadow Stalker is cowering and repeatedly wetting herself," Slappy said.

"Our very own roaming reporter the Cenobite, Camerahead, is there among the crowd. Let's see if we can't recognized some famous faces down there," Crypt Keeper said.

The feed suddenly changed showing a crowd of monsters and villains around the PRT building, and night has fallen. The building has been fortified as the PRT troops and workers inside the building have block every entrance with whatever they could find to stop the monsters outside from getting in. The steel shutters are all down on the lower floors, with troopers at windows with guns ready.

The camera focused on a group of monsters, a vampire, a water creature, a mummy, a werewolf, and a Frankenstein monster. 

"Oh, look it's the big five of Universal pictures," Crypt Keeper said. 

"The ones who set the standards for horror movie monsters," Slappy adds.

Next group are a bunch of Japanese young women all surrounding a young Japanese man. The one who stood out the most is the very tall and busty woman who is dressed in a white dress and large sun hat, who stands over 8 feet tall. 

"Ohh look it's Hasshakusama the 8 foot tall woman. And she's with her group, an all female yokai or monsters for English speakers who are all after the same guy name Sakurai," Slappy said.

"Her name is Yae, and she wants to rape, eat, and kill that guy. And all the other monsters in that harem all want the same thing. Sakurai is hoping that once the boss is awake, she can keep the last two from happening," Crypt Keeper said.

The next showed a man dress in an outfit from the early 1800's.

"Hey who's the old guy?" Slappy asked.

"There's the Sandman who unlike the ones who throw sand into eyes to make people go to sleep. He steals their eyes instead," Crypt Keeper said.

Next shows a man who is made out of black oil. 

"That's the tar monster from that cartoon with the talking dog," Slappy said.

"Close, that a orang minyak, a blob monster that's made out of crude oil and can take the form of a man or a blob," Crypt Keeper said.

Next is a group of young monster children, gathered around a dog-sized furball with six legs, two pairs of vibrant wings, no face to speak of, and communicates through adorable little chirping noises. Of the children there are a group of young monster girls, a vampire, werewolf, a mummy, a Frankenstein monster, and a phantom. There is also a young girl in a yellow raincoat, and a boy with a paper bag on his head. There is also a young girl holding a broom and dress in a red hooded jumpsuit and a boy ghost. A boy wearing a flour sack mask and orange pyjamas. And a group that is made up of a redhead girl, a girl cyclops, another girl, a boy with two head, and a boy skeleton. 

"Eww what's that?" Slappy asked staring at the furball.

"The furball is a Hundun, and looks like a bunch of the kiddies like it," Crypt Keeper said clearly disgusted.

"Quick turn to something else," Slappy shouted.

The screen turn to what looks like a family of monsters who are yokai and human. There are more monsters with the group.

"It's that Erma ghost girl family. Both her father's and mother's side, and looks like her friends are with her too," Slappy said. "Change it to something else."

"Why, don't you like her?" Crypt Keeper asked.

"She threw a friend of mine, down a hole, chained to a rock," Slappy said.

The camera went to a female looking demon. She has an aqua blue fire around her eyes, like glasses. She wears a dress, showing off the colors that matches her hair that is purple with a pinkish streak and it floats upwards. She has a long, purple tail, and her skin is purple, just like her eyes. She has a glowing turquoise horn with a black magical aura. She has black, feathery wings that slightly glow.

There is also a tall young woman with long and massive purple hair that reach well pass her knees. She wore a elegant black opera dress that shows off her lust figure and has a long black horn coming from her forehead.

Another young woman with long white hair stood near them, dress in a blue cape and wizard hat that has stars and moons on them. She stood out because of her blue skin, glowing red eyes and a amulet of a unicorn head and wings, that she wears that is also glowing red.

An older woman who has wild hair that is ocean blue color with a lighter shade for streaks that glow. Her eyes are black and has green circles instead of a pupil. She has mauve-purple skin. Her eye is covered with a magenta mask and her eyebrows turn blue. Her freckles remain on her mauve-coloured skin. Her whole outfit has a forest-theme, and wears bark-coloured gloves that reach her shoulders. Atop her head is a headband that resembles a twig with a few leaves. Her shoes are boots that look like wrapped bark around her leg and has a pointy end that end with green. 

Three younger women are with the group, all colorful and look like sisters. The first has blue and long dark blue streaked hair, tied into a high ponytail with a blue hairtie, v shaped bangs, pink eyes and translucent pink wings. The middle has pinkish-purple skin and purple and mint streaked hair which she wears up in two long high ponytails, and translucent green wings. The last has yellow skin and has long puffy orange and yellow hair, with a spiky headband on top of it and translucent purple skin. 

A larger and older female demon is standing besides them, she is dress in glowing orange armor and her hair is on fire. And has the same features of wings, horn and tail like the younger two. But has a much more lust figure than the others of her group, who all have sexy and lust bodies.

"Ah look, it's Daybreaker, Gaea Everfree, The Dazzlings, Corrupt Trixie, Nightmare Rarity, and Midnight Twilight from the My Little Pony series," Slappy said. "The only ones missing are Demon Sunset and Nightmare Moon. But they're with the boss."

"A lot of fanboys are going to be jerking the meat tonight," Crypt adds.

Next picture showed a female vampire with long black hair and a red swimsuit like outfit. And standing with a blonde woman who has the same taste in outfits but is black instead.

"It's Vampirella and her twin Draculina," Slappy said.

"Got that one right," Crypt said.

The next is a woman with white skin and white hair, wearing a black swim suit and a black cape.

"That's Lady Death," Slappy said.

"Correct," Crypt said.

The next is a pair of women one is a redhead and the other is pale grey skinned and long black hair. Both are wearing what would be called two pairs of strings and a pray.

"Tarot and Raven, how do those things they wear not break?" Slappy asked.

"Magic and to tease the people that are hoping for that to happen," Crypt said.

The screen showed a male ghost dressed as a dock worker. 

"Oh look it's The Box Ghost," Slappy said. 

"Who cares," Crypt said. 

"HEY!" The Box Ghost said as the screen turns away from him. 

Next is a female ghost dressed in a old fashion dress and a old bald man with a big spider.

"Ah the ghost of Francisca Imelda, a fellow grim story teller," Crypt said. 

"Oh yea, I heard of her works," Slappy said. 

"And the man with her is Uncle Grizzly and his pet spider Spindleshanks. Also a host for gruesome tales," Crypt said. 

"I like his show," Slappy said. 

The next is a group of a young man, a girl, a ghost of an old knight, a ghost girl dressed in modern clothes, and a strange looking creature.

"That's Leo San Juan, Marcella, Don Andrés, Teodora Villaviciencio, and Alebrije. They took care of a friend of mine, Mister Madera," Slappy said. 

"Better stay clear then," Crypt said. 

The next figure is a bloodstained feminine creature with no arms, a searchlight for a head and a mouth on her belly dressed in a white, unbuttoned coat and pantyhose.

"It's Shade," Slappy said.

"Got that one right," Crypt said. "Hey looks something is happening."

Shade's searchlight head began shining bright and in the beam of light, Doctor Killjoy appeared within it. The light formed a wall of light surrounding the entire PRT building, the light wall acted like a movie screen so that all the monsters around the building could see and hear it.

"Attention, our mistress wishes to address the PRT," Killjoy said. 

The screen shifts to what looks like a flying castle, that some who had seen the anime, recognized as The Flying Palace from the anime and game series, Pokemon. The Flying Palace is used as Lawrence III's primary base of operations, as his various collecting schemes take place aboard the airship. The Flying Palace is kept aloft by a series of rotating fans situated on each notch in a concentric circle, and on the side of the craft. The Palace also has an artificial intelligence system which informs Lawrence III about notable events taking place. 

Standing on either side of the command chair is Demon Sunset and Nightmare Moon, and sitting on the command chair is Taylor Hebert. She is dressed in a male tuxedo, colored light blue, with a white undershirt, black shoes, a black bow tie and black tophat completed the outfit. And is holding a black hook cane in her right hand that she's tapping her fingers on. It's her eyes that caught everyone's attention as they're both have yellow coloration, with black slits for pupils. 



The Rig -

Director Emily Piggot had been busy talking with the higher ups and the government about what's happening. Lots of heads are going to roll after this, not that there be much left if the monsters go on a rampage. This was quickly turning into a worst case of what could happen if Nilbog and his monsters ever got out and rampaged. 

She was watching the news which is being hosted by the Crypt Keeper and Slappy. When Taylor Hebert the parahuman who summon all the monsters just appeared in a massive flying fortress right over the city. Showing that she can summon more than just monsters from other worlds. 

"Hello director Piggot," Taylor said in a distorted voice that echoed like two people talking at the same time. 

"Ms. Hebert," Piggot said having done the same thing with Killjoy.

"Call me, Horror Master. Thanks to one of your Wards, I'm now a parahuman who has the power to summon as many monsters and people from any horror fiction that, I want. And I don't even have to know about the horror fiction for me to summon beings from it. Everything you have seen is just what I was able to do while, I wasn't awake, I summoned this flying castle when, I'm wide awake. I can summon Godzilla from any era, think of what Godzilla from the first all the way to the newest version of the monster king would be able to do. All of the giant monsters from the film series, no all the movies with giant monsters would all be new endbringers to deal with," Horror Master said.

"What do you want?" Piggot asked seeing how she's holding all the cards.

"I want Sophia Hess. Drag her out of her cell and hand her over to my minions," Horror Master said.

"I can't do that, but rest assured that she will face punishment," Piggot said.

"Not good enough. She's going to pay for what she has done to me, like all the others. My minions went wild on the school, maiming the students and teachers who knew and seen what was happening to me and did nothing. As for the other two, they're now limbless and the same fate is going to happen to Sophia as well," Horror Master said. 

"Horror Master, I can promise you she will face punishment," Piggot said. 

"Too late. For 3 years she has bullied me and got away with it because she's a ward. You and the other adults are completely useless. You would just cover this all up, if it wasn't so open that it's impossible to cover it up at this point," Horror Master said. "Pennywise, get her."

The screen now showed the inside of Shadow Stalker's cell and Pennywise the clown just appeared in the cell. The scary clown grabs Shadow Stalker and drags her underneath the cell's bed, with the young cape screaming as she was dragged underneath the bed. The cell door flew open and two guards came rushing into the room, they flip the bed revealing nothing underneath. 

"She's mine now," Horror Master said reappearing on the screen.

"What happen to her?" Piggot asked seeing how Horror Master has just been playing around. The castle was just for show, she had thought it would be used in breaking into the downtown HQ, but way bother when some of her minions can just appear anywhere they want.

"She won't be killed, she doesn't deserve to have an easy way out," Horror Master said. "For all of my minions, return back to base. There are several buildings and places that I summon, so there should be plenty of room for all of you. I have lots to think about and plan. So no going wild and rampaging through the city or killing people left and right, anymore. For the gangs, police, capes, and everyone else, don't attack my minions and they won't kill you. And my minions if you're attack feel free to fight back. Just don't kill them."

The monsters all walk away heading to the different buildings that their master had summon to this world like them. The flying castle just flickered as it disappeared from sight, like it has a cloaking device on it. Leaving everyone wondering what's going to happen next. 


Author's Notes -

1 - The angels in Bayonetta are actually more like how angels are described in the Bible than how modern fiction paints them being humans with wings. Basically angels as they are in the Bible look more like monsters. 

2 - There won't be that many mask killers and slashers in the story. The entire slasher film villains are just normal people who are attacking people who can't fight back, are very dumb in what they do, and never just do the smart thing. As shown in 'Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday' where government finally takes notice of the indestructible Serial Killer running loose. As a result, Jason goes up against a small army of FBI agents that are actually taking him dead seriously. Instead of fighting  out of it and killing them all, Jason is gunned down and blown to bits.

And Jason isn't even alive at that point. None of the human and living slashers could stand up to that. Or even a few cops who actually do their jobs and shoot them, unlike in the films. So for slashers there be no human ones running around. Unless they have supernatural or have other powers. 

There be no virus or turning people into monsters from vampire, zombie, werewolves, or anything else. And no plot armor to why the monsters can't be killed or can only be killed a certain way to preserve the drama. 

Also no ghosts or ghost like beings who can't be harmed and have god like powers. I can't stand how in films that the ghost of a normal person, suddenly is able to be a reality warper who has god like powers just because they're dead. If it's all just mind tricks and making the person think it's real, that's completely different from a ghost of a woman being able to turn people into butterflies and what not. 

And all the monsters and villains that been summon by Taylor, can all be killed. None of the, blowing their head off and they come back the next film thing. Once they're dead, they can't ever comeback to life on their own. 

3 - Seeing how all the wishes Desiree granted just disappears after a time or when she's beaten. I'm going with her wishes don't last or can easily be undone.

4 - The Djinn power is cancelled out by the power that gives parahumans their powers. 

5 - It's hard to write a story where wishes are a thing and make it so that the wishes won't be all powerful wishes that can solve everything. 


List of horror fiction that have showed up -

Silent Hill

Dark Deception

House of the Dead


The Suffering

Dead By Daylight




Maximum Overdrive

Road Train

Resident Evil


Brutal Legend

Vampire Hunter D



Demonic Toys

Doll Graveyard

Dolly Dearest

Child's Play (2019 film)

Five Nights at Freddy's

Twisted Metal

Vampire Hunter D


Tales from the Crypt

Gravity Falls


The Outing

Monster High

Danny Phantom

My Little Pony

Rise of the Guardians 

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Wrong Turn

Nightmare on Elm Street

Hello Puppets

The Banana Splits (film)



Universal classics monsters

Hachigatsu Kokonoka Boku Wa Kimi Ni Kuwareru

The Sandman" by E.T.A. Hoffmann (1816)

Scooby-Doo and the ghoul school

Harvey Comics

Trick r Treat

Ruby Gloom



Lady Death

Tarot: Witch of the Black Rose

Frankelda's Book of Spooks 

Grizzly Tales for Gruesome Kids 

Legend Quest

Evil Within


