Demon and Celestial Councils


Inside the massive vessel called The Maw, many of the water monsters have made themselves home in it. In one of the many rooms, Augustus Sinclair, Esq now freed from the driving suit is laying back on his bed thinking of what to do next. Leo Hartwig and the other splicers who were brought to this world, are all back to normal now, thanks to their mistress using wishes to fix all of her minions of their problems. 

The culling of the minions is now over with. Their mistress is now recovering from fixing all of the problems that made most of her minions monsters. Which has taken a toll on her, thanks to the wishes draining her as a battery. Turns out for the minions who can bend reality to their wishes, like the genies needed a power source for their powers. The power source to fuel that power is their boss. Which their boss can cut off at anytime she wants, like how she can resummon and desummon them anytime she wants. 

From what he heard of the ones she desummon and resummon, they just simply gone, nothing at all till they were resummon. For many who were use to an afterlife or being turned into a ghost or whatever, knowing that once they're dead, they're just dead is horrifying. Especially for those who have cheated death many times before and now knows that once their boss gets rid of them, they're just gone with nothing they could do would work. Scares them.

"A whole lot of demons are now scared of making the mistress angry. She already gotten rid of a bunch of demons and resummon some just to show them their place," a female voice on the radio said.

"Well at least you have a seat at the table, Charlie," Sinclair said.

"Its strange sharing a table with counterparts of my dad," Charlotte "Charlie" Morningstar said who had been summon with her hotel and everyone who were in it.

"Speaking of that, wouldn't your parents be trying to find what happen to you?" Sinclair asked.

"Some of the demons do know of other universes but the problem is finding which world we came from. There are countless worlds out there, like that show Rick and Morty," Charlie said.

"Till then that hotel you own, as I have ran a hotel before, I can help you with that. The boss lady will need a source of income and to keep us all fed after all," Sinclair said. 

He's been making calls with the other minions about making some money for their mistress. He already figured that their boss wouldn't like them just stealing what they need. So as a business man, he's been making connections and looking over what their boss had summon. And with a hotel, it be just like how he started back in Rapture. 

Of course as a veteran business man and there's that entire city that was summon Trolberg. All the businesses of that place needed new people to sell to and buy from. Their boss has wished up supplies for them and made sure that they have running water and power. But he still needed to show his new boss that he can be counted on to handle the business end of her operations.

"Sure, stop by and see the hotel. I need to go," Charlie said hanging up. 


Hazbin Hotel -

Charlie turn off the radio and walk out of her room where she'll be meeting with her fellow demon lords. She had told the others of setting up their meeting at her hotel, which they agreed. The demon faction had been culled hard by their mistress, lots of demons were desummon by her. As she couldn't stand them being pure evil and have no understanding of good at all. Saying that they're nothing but robots who can only do what they're programmed to do, having no free will but to be evil. (1)

Their mistress made the wish that she's been using on all of her minions, make them have a heart. She turned off their powers so that they would have no defense against the wish, of them having feeling. The wish made anyone no matter what lack of empathy they have, how twisted their morals are and blue and orange outlook, to feel compassion and guilt. For demons who many were nothing but evil and couldn't feel compassion or guilt, it destroyed them. 

Only some demons were able to bare having emotions, mostly the ones who were humans before. Which their mistress wished that they be like how they were before they were turned into demons. Like what she did for the vampires and all the other monsters who use to be human. Whatever made them be evil and just turn on their friends and family once they were turned, was just wished away. Making them see what they are and what they did, feeling shame and guilt that they haven't felt since becoming demons. 

"Hello Charlie," Xellos the Priest greeted her as she walks to the room where the meeting is being held.

"Is everyone here?" Charlie asked.

"They're all here and are heading for the meeting room," Xellos said before walking off. 

Xellos has been staying at the hotel and reminds Charlie of many demons back home. Never saying what he really knows and saying it's a secret. Taylor had Fright Knight use his sword on Xellos when he tried to use that line on her, sending him to a dimension where his real nightmares become reality. When he came back, he now always tell Taylor everything as he doesn't want to go back to his darkest nightmare or be erased.

Charlie came to the doors to the room that the meeting is being held. Since there were so many demon lords, Taylor just had them share power as a council. With them being so powerful, they're the leaders for the other minions. As they're use to ordering around minions already, and Charlie was pick to be the spokeswoman for them when dealing with their boss. Seeing how she's the nice one and Taylor likes her. 

Inside the room waiting for her and the late comers, is Lucifer a female version of her dad. Who is a busty blonde woman who wears very little and leads other demon lords who embodies the deadly seven sins. All of them are very sexy and wear very little like their leader. 

Morrigan Aensland a powerful succubus who had her soul split into two which formed into her sister Lilith. She's in charge of the many sex demons and monsters. Seems that had summon a bunch of monsters and demons from what would be a hentai world, the monsters and demons are all females who rape human males as they feed on semen. Morrigan had to face off with the leaders of the different groups to become their leader, which wasn't a fight but an orgy where the last one standing became the queen of the sex demons, and she won with the other queens now serving her. Not that they minded, serving their very skilled queen.

Lady Death the daughter of her worlds Satan and took over Hell. Who only wears a black bikini that shows off her busty body. She commands the demon warriors, as she is a veteran warlord.

Aku a shapeshifting being of pure darkness and evil. Had retried from world domination and has a daughter name Chi. The level of the underworld that he ruled came with him when he was summon and is in a pocket dimension.

Hunson Abadeer ruler of the Nightosphere and Marceline's father, and has a complex and deeply strained relationship with her. His realm the Nightosphere came with him and is in a pocket dimension, the same with Aku and his realm. 

Gogandantess self-proclaimed Greatest Swordsman of All Demons, he's an arrogant and skilled sword master. He is protected by a forcefield that prevents any harm to him but doesn't mean he isn't a skilled sword master. He works with Lady Death in commanding the warrior demons.

Edward "Eddie" Riggs who is half human and half demon, who is in his words the best roadie who's job it is to make someone else look good. He's working with all the logistics that are needed to be done so that the others can do what they need to do. 

And finally Satan who is a big beefy red devil with angel wings and a halo. Who in his world died fighting Manbearpig, and was sent to heaven because of it. Which the world he came from is a cartoon show in this world. 

Coming in is Osamu Yureimoto a daitengu, a type of exceptionally powerful tengu. It's very notable in his full powered form. He's the leader of the yokai faction, being the strongest and picked by Taylor personally. Thanks largely to Erma, Osamu granddaughter who Taylor likes suggesting it to her. 

He's followed by Loki the Norse God of Mischief who came from a world where a magical barrier separates the magic world from the human world. He is a god but he is also a frost giant and why he has a seat.

And butt walking into the room, is The Red Guy. Who came from a world where he fools around with a talking cow and chicken who are the kids of two human parents… which is a cartoon here in this world. And the theme song explains how that works.

Mama had a chicken

Mama had a cow

Dad was proud,

He didn't care how!

"Why are you of all demons have a seat?" Lady Death asked disgusted at the big fat red devil with a big butt which he shows off all the time…. Making puns of his habit of never wearing pants, by using names that has something to do with butt or being pantless, like Lance Slackless being one of the many names he uses.

"The boss wanted it to be a council of 13 and she finds him funny," Morrigan dead pans as she is as revolted with the Red Guy as the other women in the room.

"And why couldn't Demon Sunset couldn't have his seat?" Lucifer asked frowning. 

"Sunset is already has a seat with her mother and aunt's faction. And already is Taylor's right hand woman," Charlie said.

"What about her sister? She has a seat with the celestial faction," Osamu pointed out. 

"Yes but Daydream was recently summon and decided to join when they asked her," Charlie said. 

"And seeing how the boss erased Him, he was all that was left," Aku mutters. 

Aku had already know of Abadeer, Him, Loki, and Red Guy before he and his realm was summon to this new reality. Seeing how all of them came from the same world. With Him gone, the only one left that's from his realm is his daughter Mimi. Who is now living in his realm which his daughter Chi loves. As for being a minion, he's willing to play the part of a minion. He already made it clear that he will fellow Taylor but as long as she respects that he will only acts when he wants to, he does have a realm to rule after all, but will send his minions to aide her. He can bid his time and sees how things go. 

"Ah come on Aku," Red Guy said rolling onto the table and stop in front of Aku. "Its been a long time since something has happen like this. Besides, we no longer have to deal with the Bitch Queen."

"Yes that is a plus," Aku said.

"Enough with that," Abadeer said not wanting to talk about the deathless Queen who married Death. He's evil, but she's a whole other level. 

"Let's get this meeting going," Loki said.

"Yes it's time to call this meeting to order," Bill said the final member who pop onto a crystal ball showing him in it. He couldn't interact with the physical world and has to talk using things like crystal balls that are connected to the dream world. 

"What's this meeting about?" Lucifer asked.

"It's about our new boss. Being the oldest one here, I heard about this happening before. Someone in one world summoning someone else to another world that isn't theirs or have any connection at all. Like Marvel doing a crossover with DC comics, same basic idea, but completely different. Like for one, for beings like ourselves we shouldn't be able to use any of our powers. As while, in my world there were other universes I could go to but couldn't. If I step into another universe that isn't compatible with me. I would lose all of my powers completely, and that's the best I could hope for," Bill said.

"So it's like if someone is a fire elemental ending up in a world where there is nothing but water or has no air?" Eddie asked.

"That's correct. Many of the universes that isn't just a branch of yours where something different happen, isn't compatible with beings like us. Either the lost of our powers or we just end up dead. It's to keep things like muiltverse overlords from going on a rampage. There are some who tried to cheat the system, like a version of Slenderman who did all kinds of cheats because he's one of those dirty cowards who only wants to win and rig the game so they can never get hurt. He entered the wrong universe where he didn't had any of his cheats. Ended up playing a game where each time he tried to cheat, a gun was press on one of his fingers and the trigger was pulled. Ended up losing all of his fingers on both of his hands and made to beg like a bitch for his life. Was stuff into a metal drum full of shit and buried alive. Got to watch it happen as it was streamed to different universes that Slenderman use to visit," Bill explains.

"Our mistress is the one who is acting like a power source. Allowing us to use our powers," Gogandantess guessed.

"Our boss is our lifeline in this world, meaning that once she dies. We find out what happens to us without her," Bill said.

"So, I turn full human?" Eddie asked.

"You, and Lady Death are only half demons, so different rules for you two. It's like what happens when all the mortals of a planet are gone, all the demons and gods who are from that world either disappear or become mortal and die off. Seen it happen enough times," Bill said.

"What you mean by that?" Osamu asked.

"What you don't know?" Bill asked.

"Know what?" Satan asked.

"Really? None of you know that you demons who are only exist on one planet, are tied to the race of that planet?" Bill asked looking around the room with only Aku not looking at him confused.

"I found that it's best not to talk about it. Revealed it to a couple of demons when I was taking over the world, I landed on. They didn't take it well," Aku said.

"Oh this is rich," Bill said chuckling. 

"Alright would you two tell us what you two know?" Charlie asked.

"Simple me and Aku here are higher level demons because we can exist without mortals birthing and keeping us alive by belief. Like what happens to gods who lose their followers, they grow weaker and weaker. You all only came to be once humans began showing up. And if you don't believe me, for those who been to an afterlife, how many aliens have you seen. And ones who died on your world don't count," Bill asked making the demons eyes widen as they couldn't remember seeing aliens. 

"That's right without mortals of your worlds you all either fade away or die off after losing your powers. And stuff like in Dragonball, DC and Marvel where gods and demons come from different worlds. Is more like them being like Q from Star Trek, a race with god like powers and all that. Which me and Aku are. Him sending his forces to other worlds to ravage and me trying to get some chump to open a portal to the Nightmare Realm. What happen on Earth, was just the one that work, I had things happening on other worlds at the same time," Bill explains. (2)

"We all… just fade or… die off?" Charlie asked holding her head looking like she's going to have a breakdown.

"This is why I stop telling other demons about it," Aku said. "When there were gods or demons who were causing my forces trouble on a planet. I would just have my forces kill off the sapient race on the planet and the demons and gods soon disappeared. Worlds that once had gods and demons even more powerful then me, once the planet was left lifeless. The gods and demons also disappeared."

"Now, now girly. It's not too bad," Red Guy said. "After all, we're now minions and not bond by the same rules anymore."

"Really?" Charlie asked.

"He's right, we're now all bond to Taylor and are under different rules. But of course that's only as long as she's alive. Which is why called this meeting. We need to find a way to make her either immortal or find a way to open a portal to our original worlds. At least we all have a way out of the worst happens," Bill said.

"Make Taylor immortal?" Charlie asked.

"Yup, that way she'll be around for a long time. I'm thinking of making her into a demon or maybe make her into part machine. Things that will extend her life and also make her stronger, so that she won't be just a weak mortal who can summon more powerful things to fight for her. But Sunset already tried that and it didn't work, that limit thing at work. Sunset's power to turn people into demons only works on us minions. So we need to come up with something else," Bill said. 

"You're planning something," Charlie said.

"Of course, I am this minion thing is just a side job and something to do. Because news flash, I'm billions of years old and played being a minion lots of times already. And helping her out is just my way of saying thanks in getting me out. I'm just making sure that when it ends, I'm not going to be going bye bye with the boss. Which is where you come in," Bill explains.

"Me?" Charlie asked.

"The boss likes you. Seeing how you wanted to redeem damn souls so that they would go to heaven. She likes minions like you, so she'll listen to you more and why you're the spokeswoman for the group," Bill said.

"Having you around would be helpful in my hell. Seeing how only followers of the Mormon faith can get to heaven," Satan said causing everyone to stare at him. 

"What?" Lucifer asked.

"It's the reason why, I'm so mellow to all of you, besides the ones who did do stuff to go to hell. All the others who only are in hell because of not following a faith which wasn't invented by going with this worlds timeline just under 200 years ago. Meaning that even Jesus since he wasn't a follower of that faith that wasn't even invented yet, if he wasn't gods son would had gone to hell. There wasn't much point in torturing all of those souls, I even throw a Hawaii theme party to cheer people up. God only started to let more people in after I tried to lead an army to take it over," Satan explains.

"Can't believe there's a god who would do such a thing. Only letting in people of a faith that wasn't even invented yet," Osamu said.

"I know and while he has let in other souls, the choosing is so narrow that you literally have to give up your life to save the world, just to be able to get in. As nothing else is good enough," Satan said.

"So how is heaven of your world?" Lady Death asked.

"It's the standard cloud heaven, pretty boring and annoying filled with stereotypical Mormons," Satan said.

"One of those you can't get in but when you do you find it to be a big let down?" Eddie asked.

"Pretty much," Satan said.

"Grandfather does send angels to kill a large number of sinners when there's too many to fit them all in hell. But having a heaven that is pretty much just not a heaven just a place for people of one faith to go to and it's boring. At least there are things to do in the heaven of my world," Charlie said.

"The boss has a very low view on gods and angels with how they just stand by and do nothing. Like how Aku never had to deal with them," Bill said.

"I only had to deal with a few now and then. But only when I was doing something that caused them problems. Other than that, they just let me do what I wanted," Aku said. (3)

"Wow, my brother Thor steps in to stop me," Loki said. 

"And to help keep our boss to view that the gods don't care and will only act when they're in danger. We all should do what we can to help so that she'll never see a reason to change her mindset," Bill said setting his plans in motion.


The Docks -

The castle that once belonged to the Salazar family and the center for the Los Illuminados cult, has been emptied of the monsters that once made their home in it. Taylor seeing it's nothing but parasites using hosts, she got rid of all the cult members and other monsters in the castle. And with the castle empty she decided to give it to the divine and faith centered minions. Who are uncomfortable being around so many monsters. 

The one in charge of the castle is the resident goddess who was pulled from her world to this one. Gwynevere, the Princess of Sunlight who is a gigantic, fair lady with red hair and a kind face. She is dressed in white cloth wrap around her very busty and sexy body that is completely flawless. (1)

Gwynevere holds court in the cathedral part of the castle, it was dominated by a large, mechanised statue of the 8th Castellan. The statue has been placed outside of the castle, serving as a defense against attack. In its place is a massive sofa that the goddess is resting on. With them being few in number and Gwynevere being the only one of 5 genuine gods that was summon, all the angels and followers gathered around them.

Of her two fellow gods, the first is Kedesh-Nanaya, a Bronze Age sex and fertility goddess of beauty, carnal pleasure, and erotic femininity. She is a buxom woman of average height and curvaceous build, with ample breasts, firm buttocks, and shapely legs. Her skin tone is coppery and without blemish, save for a small beauty mark on her upper lip. Her sleek, black hair falls to below her hips, and shimmers blue-black like a raven's wing. Kedesh-Nanaya generally prefers to go nude in her chambers, although she is fond of wearing finely wrought gold jewelry and diaphanous robes cut to emphasize her voluptuous figure. She is also has great wisdom and knowledge of many things, she can gain knowledge of things by holding an item connected to it. 

Lunatine Sakiess the Divine goddess, who is the like Kedesh-Narayan but has pale skin woman with long white hair. She is as tall and even more busty then her fellow goddess with K cups. Only wearing a long white cape, with wrappings on her breasts and a skirt that's long in the back and mini in the front. She is able to give protection to the minds of anyone she blesses and give weapons a blessed power up.

Shiva Revilis the goddess of balance and destruction. Her upper body is that of a pale purpler skin woman with long thick silver hair that's kept in twin pony tails by a huge skull like helmet. The lower half of her body is that of a long silver snakes. She wore what she passes off as a dress with more of the front missing, with two sections of cloth covering her I cup breasts with a plunging neckline that just barely stays above her groin. She is very loyal to Taylor because of her wishing away her curse, that in her world forces her to destroy it if the balance of divine and demonic is ever upset. She is able to destroy just about anything with her power, and if she fails, she just has to hit it harder.

Both of them came from the same world where sex is more out in the open. And their world is full of sexy monster girls who mate with human males, keeping them as their sex toys or husbands but are the same thing but in how they're treated. Taylor had quickly made the wish to change the monster girls who are more like sex demons so that they don't have the overwhelming urge to have sex all the time. Not that it really changed them as they do now have better self control and common sense so they won't have sex out in the open. They're still open about their sexuality and while they do cover themselves more, still like to show off their bodies.

And Bes the lone male god of their group. He is a friendly and jubilant millennia-old Egyptian God of Households, Celebrations, and Dancing, who radiates an aura of companionship. Bes' aura can heal people and repel those who are naturally malicious.

Both of Bes and Kedesh-Nanaya came from the same world where a group of humans had formed a organization that contains beings like them, called the SCP. Kedesh-Nanaya was known as SCP-4960 and Bes was SCP-208. They enjoy being able to walk around freely once again and in a world where powers aren't that rare.

And all of them like the demons dependent on their new boss for their powers, which does limits them of what they can do in this world.

Together they decided to form a new pantheon seeing how there isn't any gods in this world. Or if there were they have long left for other worlds. And the angels who have no leaders and the faithful who actually have gods who they can talk to, instead of just praying to and hoping that they're being heard. They have pass leadership to Gwynevere, as Kedesh-Nanaya with how she is and what she represents, isn't really suited to be the face of their group. The same went for Lunatine Sakiess and Shiva Revilis, with the latter she's also not much of a people person. As for Bes, he's more interested in helping around then doing any real leadership. 

They are still deciding on what their new faith's name should be. 

Gwynevere is the only god in the room with her fellow gods elsewhere. She's being attended to by 3 cherubs who are very small beings with wings, Cletus, Collin, and Keenie. Cletus looks like a small baby while Collin and Keenie are sheep-like cherubs who have human-like hands, Keenie's being completely human while Collin's are three-fingered hooves. They're using a iPad connected to the cameras and security robots to keep her informed on what's happening. 

Then there's the female angel warrior, Uriel. In her world she had commanded what remains of the Hellguard stranded on Earth after Heaven closed its gates following their loss in the End War. She's with her fellow angel from her world, Jamaerah the Scribe and her soldiers who were summon to this world. They have pledged their loyalties to her.

Rodin a fallen angel in his world whose power used to be on par with that of the top goddess Jubileus of his world. He has become the leaders of the host of angels from his world, many of them looking like monsters then what people of this world think what an angel should look like. (5)

Then there are a group of angels who all thanks to how they dress, look to had come from the world that Lunatine Sakiess and Shiva Revilis came from. 

Michael, an Archangel and the leader of the Seven Heavenly Virtues, representing Faith. Blind obedience is the policy that she not only lives by where God is concerned, but  expects the rest of the universe to abide by as well, and responds with  murderous malice when this isn't the case.

Uriel, represents Patience, and serves as an intelligence operative for Heaven. In spite of her Virtue, she is said to have a serious personality and a short temper.

Raphael, representing Temperance. She is obsessed with human fashion trends, particularly the "Gal" subculture.

Sandalphon, representing Diligence. She is an inventor, and always worries for her sister, Metatron.

Metatron, representing Charity. She is the sister of Sandalphon, and often worries her sister with her careless personality.

Gabriel, representing Chastity. She is self-important and likes to boss others around.

Sariel, representing Kindness. The eldest of the Angels, she is said to be prone to over-indulging others.

All of them dress in very little clothing before Taylor seeing them, made a wish to give them some shame and common sense. They all suddenly realized the revealing clothes they wear or lack of clothes, really isn't suited for angels. And they have since then wore more suitable clothing. Even if Kedesh-Nanaya told them they should continue to wear them and be her personal angels, seeing how Lunatine Sakiess has her own personal angel, Lahaav Ariel who serves her and dress in very little clothing as well.

There are also a number of others who have joined the faith, like Felicia a catwoman who is also a nun. She joined the group after hearing about them. She's a follower of Bes after learning his love for children. 

Veronica a demoness who is from a world where demons are not inherently evil beings, but more or less the jailers and torturers of Hell who have been given the job to punish the wicked. They're part of the same cosmic order as the Angels of Heaven, and pray to God.

Epon who is a teenager Gaea and in spite of her pagan origins, she is a devout Catholic, having been adopted and raised in a convent full of nuns. Thanks to Taylor making a wish, she now has complete control of her powers. She joined to learn to control her powers better and be apart of a new faith that has gods you can talk to who can answer back. As this isn't her old universe and according to the gods in front of her, there isn't any gods on this world. 

And Daydream Shimmer, the angel version of Demon Sunset. A prefect mirror to her twin, but wore a white and pink dress. Her horn is golden and her wings are made out of glowing golden energy. She came to be during some experimenting by Taylor with her powers, bringing to life Daydream to this world. Giving Demon Sunset a twin, who is an angel and she a demon, but they get along just fine and their mother Daybreaker likes having two daughters. She also the angel on Taylor's shoulder to match her sister on her other shoulder. 

And the reason why the meeting was called is because of what The Cheshire Cat discovered while prowling around. He came along with Alice Liddell who has joined the divine faction, as she didn't want to deal with anymore madness. Alice is spending time with her parents and her sister Elizabeth who were all brought to life in this world after Alice asked Taylor to bring them back. They're learning all about this new world they're in and catching up with the modern day. 

"The demons are planning on turning Taylor immortal so that she'll be around for a very long time. Daydream's sister has tried to turn her into a demon and didn't work. So Bill and the other demons are thinking of ways to change her," Cheshire Cat said as he sat on the palm of Gwynevere, who has taken a liking to the cat.

"I could have told you that," Daydream said. 

"Yes but if our group finds a way first it will give us a better standing with Taylor," Uriel said.

The minions of Taylor while they do work together, have broken into different factions. All trying to gain the most favor with their mistress. The ones closest to Taylor currently are the My Little Pony faction, due to Taylor being a big fan of the show. Which is why the Celestial faction invited Daydream to join to give them a better standing with their mistress. Due to her not liking gods and angels for how they do little or nothing, while evil happens. They tried to get both Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon to join but they weren't interested. 

"Turning her into a god or an angel? How would we do that? Our powers don't work on her," Rodin asked.

"We just have to be creative," Gwynevere said. "The other factions will be trying to do that as well, once they learn of this. We need to come up with a plan to give our mistress a new body. Her mortal body isn't suited to be able to empower all of us."

"The only way for Taylor to awaken from her coma is by unsummoning all of us or at least most of us. Since the culling she has gotten better but it's still isn't enough, Bill merging with her is the only way she can be awake. And she doesn't want to do that to us," Daydream said.

"Our mistress is kind," Veronica said seeing what a sacrifice she's putting herself though to be able to keep all of them around.

"How about her using a puppet?" Epon asked gaining everyone's attention. "It be like her controlling a videogame character."

"Yes that's it. I just make a golem or something that she can just use as a puppet," Sandalphon said her eyes lighting up at the ideas she's getting.

"It be like that movie with the humans using robots while they stay home," Felicia said.

"Yes like Surrogate, she'll be able to use her puppet body like her real one but is expendable," Raphael said. 

"We better get started before someone else beats us to it," Gwynevere said.


Author's Notes -

1 - Basically anything pure evil that was created that way is nothing more than a robot. Only able to do evil things because it's made to do it and nothing else.

2 - It's really dumb how demons, gods, and other beings like that who are trap in another dimension. Would only have one plan in opening a portal on one planet. When they should be trying to open portals in many other places at once.

Besides the real world fact that it's just hard to write how there are many different villains who are all trying to free their dark master on many different worlds at once. 

3 - One thing had bothered me about how Aku was allowed to roam free and spread his evil, when it's shown he was just a small piece of a bigger and more powerful evil. That was defeated by a trio of gods, and seeing how a water goddess and her three elementals were able to beat Aku from stealing a gem that can control water. It's a really big plot hole of why the gods never step in. 

Besides the real world reason of if that had happen there be no show.

4 - I know that in the game Gwynevere is just an illusion created by her youngest brother, Gwyndolin, while the real Gwynevere already left Anor Londo long ago with her husband (and other gods, for that matter), according to her ring's description. But seeing how the game never explains what happen to her. Here she's the real deal. 

5 - The angels of Bayonetta are actually what the Bible for the most part says what they look like. And yes the angels as they are in the Bible are nightmare fuel. The whole humans with wings look is a new thing. 


List of horror fiction that have showed up -

Hazbin Hotel

Seven Mortal Sins

The Slayers

Samurai Jack

Bleedman comics



The Life and Times of Juniper Lee

Cow and Chicken

Dark Angel: The Ascent


Dark Soul

Seven Heavenly Virtues

SCP Foundation
