05. The woman from the bar

The next day, the sleek Maybach drove out of the villa's driveway.

Alexander leaned against the back seat and closed his eyes to rest, but the erotic scenes from Six years ago kept flashing in his head.

To avoid being detected by his uncle's spies, he wore a simulation mask whenever he went to the Moonlight bar. It didn't matter if Six years had passed since that fateful night. Very few people knew about this secret. Was it possible that that woman was one of them?

"Mr. Carter?" Alexander's assistant, Ace Ace, suddenly called his attention. He had received an e- mail and reported its contents. "I've found her. The woman's name is Sophia Miller. She joined the Carter Group just yesterday. The director of the Design Department, Emily, took her to meet a client at the bar yesterday."

"Is there anything else?" Alexander opened one eye and glanced at his assistant impatiently.

Ace turned red with embarrassment. Lowering his head timidly, he said, "This is all I was able to gather so far. It's very strange. It seems all information about Sophia from before she worked at our company was erased…"

Alexander sneered contemptuously and uttered, "Sounds like somebody doesn't want us to know about her past."

And that "somebody" was most likely his uncle.

All these years, his uncle had tried his best to take him out.

On the other side of the city, Sophia groaned in pain. Her head was pounding.

She somehow managed to sit up and winced, pressing her fingers against her temples. She was cursed with a terrible hangover.

Looking around, she found that she was in an exquisitely decorated private room.

To her shock, she saw a disheveled woman with smudged lipstick in the reflective surface of the wall. 'Is that me?' she thought in disbelief.

Seeing such a sorry sight, she quickly covered her mouth with her hand. Suddenly, the events of last night all came back to her, especially that kiss…

'That fucking man-whore! He's the man from Six years ago! I'm certain of it.'

Thinking of this, she quickly glanced down to check herself. Fortunately, she was still fully dressed.

Sophia nodded and heaved a sigh of relief. She would settle accounts with him another day!

Then she dragged herself off the sofa and opened the door of the private room.

There were two waiters standing outside on either side of the door. When she walked out furtively, they just glanced at her and then looked away with a straight face.

Since they didn't seem to be bothered by her, Sophia left the Moonlight bar in a hurry.

First, she passed by her house to wash up and change her clothes. Then she kissed her sleeping children, Axel and Alexa, before rushing to the Carter Group.

Gritting her teeth, she recalled what Emily had done to her yesterday.

It was totally different from being forced by a project and doing it intentionally!

When Sophia arrived at the office, she happened to run into Emily in front of the meeting room.

"Miss Emily." Sophia greeted her coldly.

Emily was stunned for a moment. Then, she quickly gathered her bearings and assumed a look of dominance. "I took you to that meeting to talk about the project out of the goodness of my own heart, but what did you do?! Mr. Anthony is an important client of the Carter Group, but you offended him. How will you compensate for the company's loss?"

The more she spoke, the angrier she became. Her sharp, manicured nails poked hard at Sophia's shoulder.

Instantly, Sophia grabbed her hand and stopped her. Her calm tone was contrasted greatly with Emily's shrill voice. "If we were talking about a project, why did you leave me with Mr. Anthony—alone and drunk? Is that how you usually discuss business?"

The colleagues nearby overheard this and burst into an uproar.

The previous day, they had all been curious as to why Emily had taken a new employee to meet a big client. Now it was clear that Emily wanted to force Sophia to sell her body in exchange for the project.

She was also a woman, yet she put down a fellow woman to elevate herself in the company. How vicious!

Everyone turned to look at Emily reproachfully. Their hateful gazes seemed to pierce Emily's very heart.

Humiliated, Emily flew into a fit of rage. She shook off Sophia's hand and roared, "How dare you slander me, Sophia? You were the one who got drunk and told me to leave you alone with Mr. Anthony! The audacity! You're fired! Get out of here!"

Sophia took a deep breath to calm herself down. 'I haven't even started the work I intended to do here. I can't leave the Carter Group like this.'

"I'm not leaving," she said firmly.

"What?!" Emily was flabbergasted. Furious, she raised her chin and pointed a finger at Sophia. "Do you want me to call security?"

"She's not leaving." Suddenly, a deep, masculine voice sounded from behind them.

The colleagues around all fell silent and stepped back to make way for the man who had spoken just now.

Even Emily restrained her angry expression and looked warily at the man coming towards.