07. The Father of her children

Panic-stricken, Sophia stood frozen to her spot.

The strong man in the lead had pulled out a gun to confront his cheating wife!

'Oh, my God! The male prostitute is doomed for sure!'

In a trance, Sophia thought about her twins. They had taken after that man. He was, after all, the father of her children.

Even if she despised him for all the suffering he had caused her, she couldn't just stand by and watch him get killed!

No way! She wasn't going to just let this happen!

"Sophia? Sophia! I'm talking to you!"

The harsh voice from the phone drew Sophia back to reality. Without responding, she hung up the phone and rushed inside the cafe ahead of the strong man.

She threw herself into Alexander's arms and started wailing, "I love you so much! How dare you date another woman?"

Alexander was obviously taken aback. Bewildered, he looked at Sophia, who had tears in her eyes. Squinting at her, he asked coldly, "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Lowering her head, Sophia touched her belly dramatically and said, "I'm here to tell you that I'm pregnant with your child."

All of a sudden, all eyes were on them.

"He got a woman pregnant, yet he has the audacity to date another woman. What a jerk!" one of the customers in the cafe commented with disdain.

Another one chimed in, "You know what they say about how a handsome man can't be trusted."

Alexander looked around at the pairs of eyes staring at him and was speechless.

What was this crazy woman up to? Their affair happened Six years ago. How on earth could she have possibly gotten pregnant only now?

His face turned gloomy but his tone remained bone-chillingly cold. "Get away from me."

"Never! Honey, I'm not feeling well. Can you take me home?" Sophia looked at him pleadingly, slipping her arms around his waist.

Alexander suddenly felt the warmth of her arms around him. He lowered his head to look at her and found that there were tears in her eyes, which made his heart skip a beat.

The woman sitting opposite Alexander was also stunned.

She had worked for Alexander for years, but this was her first time to see someone treat him like this. Moreover, this was her first time to see Alexander suppress his anger over something so ridiculous.


As soon as the woman started to speak, Alexander shot her a warning look.

The woman immediately understood and stood up to leave.

Sophia watched the woman walk out of the cafe and heaved a sigh of relief. As she turned her head to face Alexander, the tip of her nose brushed against his soft cheek.

Flustered, she immediately stepped back, trying to distance herself from him.

Alexander pinched her waist meaningfully and held her in his arms. With a faint smile, he parted his thin lips and asked, "Honey, where are you going? Don't be shy."

Her eyes fell on his sexy lips. She was at a loss for words. "Shy? What…what're you talking about? I was just…"

Alexander calmly raised his eyebrows, waiting for her to explain.

But for whatever reason, Sophia couldn't conjure up an excuse. She just wanted to turn around and escape, but when she did turn around, she suddenly gasped in fear.

The three brawny men had entered the cafe regardless of the woman leaving. They stood side by side, blocking the path to the main door like a brick wall.


Trembling with fear, she mustered all of her strength and yanked Alexander out of his chair. Together, they ran out the back exit of the cafe.

As Sophia was dragging him away, Alexander looked at the back of her head in confusion. "Why are we running?"

However, before Sophia could answer, she saw Anthony storming towards her.

"You! How dare you come here!" Anthony raised his double chin and sneered at her with disdain.

It was definitely too late to apologize to him now!

However, maybe if she was willing to throw herself at him, he could forgive her and the project could move forward!

Sure enough, Anthony's lustful eyes were already sweeping over her body. 'Tsk tsk! This woman must be good in bed,' he thought to himself.

His hands suddenly took on a life of their own and reached out to hold her waist.

Startled, Sophia retreated quickly to avoid his advances.

Seeing this, Alexander clicked his tongue in disgust and kicked Anthony away mercilessly.


A scream echoed in the air.

Anthony lay on the ground, curled in a ball, howling in pain.

Sophia looked at Alexander with her jaw dropping. It looked as though this man was really good at fighting.

"You're welcome," Alexander said sardonically. His face was expressionless and his eyes were still cold as ice.

Glancing at the fat man writhing on the ground, Sophia suddenly remembered why she had come to the Luxury Hotel in the first place.

Damn it! She screwed things up again.

However, before she could reflect on her actions, she saw that the three strong men were coming up to them.

She hurriedly grabbed Alexander's hand and ran away.

Not knowing how far she had run, Sophia saw there were fewer and fewer people around her. She stopped and gasped for breath. "They… they didn't catch up with us, did they?"

Alexander stared at her and gestured behind him. "No one is following us."

Seeing his gesture, the three brawny men immediately stopped and hid in a corner.

Looking back at the empty street, Sophia breathed a sigh of relief and finally let go of Alexander's hand.

Unexpectedly, Alexander reached for her hand and gently pulled her into his arms. He then raised her chin with one hand and looked into her clear, uneasy eyes.