12. Whose kid is this?

"Huh?" Ryan was in shock.

But Axel looked calm and determined.

"Just hide here and don't make a sound. I will try to draw them away."

After Molly paid the bill, she could not find the twins, so she became really anxious and asked the shop assistant to check the surveillance video.

That moment, she noticed a kid running past them.

The shop assistant immediately turned to Molly and asked, "Is that the child you're looking for?"

Molly immediately turned around and recognized the boy. "Axel!"

But Axel ran out of the supermarket.

"Over there! Hurry!"

The men, who were waiting to catch Ryan, ran after Axel, thinking that he was the boy they were after.

"Why are you guys chasing him?" When Molly saw Axel being chased by those men, she could not help but shout, "Help! Someone is trying to kidnap a child…"