15. Emily's Retribution

Feeling Alexander's gaze on his back, Alexander turned around.

"What?" he asked.

Startled by his sharp, cold gaze, Sophia took a step backward and almost kicked over the coffee.

"Nothing. I was just wondering which floor we were on," she stammered, staring at the button to avoid his eyes.

Remembering that she was asked to clean his office the last time, she answered his question more cautiously.


She suddenly felt that his voice was strangely familiar.

Why did his voice sound exactly like Liam's?

When she had been to the CEO's office the last time, she had felt the same way. But since it had been so chaotic that day, she had no time to dwell on that thought.

Although Alexander and Liam seemed to look different, it was clear that they had the same voice.

Sophia peeked at his phone and was about to send another message to Liam to test if Alexander was Liam.