17. Meeting him at the bar

Alexander could never erase the tragic car accident from his mind.

The ambulance siren pierced the sky and a crowd had gathered amidst the chaos.

When he arrived at the scene, he was met with a car crash. The crashed car was burning before his very eyes. To his horror, the blood of his brother and her wife dyed the seats, dark red.

Lying weakly in the ambulance, a young boy was covered in blood. Ryan reached out his small trembling hand and wailed, "Dad... Mom..."

The indescribable grief was indelibly printed on Alexander's brain, haunting his will day by day.

Even though his heart was as cold as ice, he still couldn't bear to hear the words "You caused my parents to die" from Ryan.

After what seemed like an eternity, Alexander left the room, his face as pale as a ghost's.

Ace nearly gasped in surprise as he saw him. "Mr. Carter, what's the matter? Should I call a doctor"