23. Her birthday wish

Today has been a rough day.

Everyone kept stealing glances at Sophia whenever she wasn't looking.

And whenever she raised her head, everyone would look away quickly and tap away at their keyboards loudly.

After what seemed like an eternity, it was time to get off work. Sophia finally turned on her phone, but there was still no news from Liam.

It had been so long. Even if he was busy entertaining his customers, he should've at least informed her of his safety.

But before she could overthink things, a loud horn startled her.

Then a taxi screeched to a halt in front of her. When she came to her senses, she found that it was the car she had hailed online. She got inside the car hurriedly and said in an anxious voice, "To the Moonlight bar."

When she arrived at her destination, Sophia dialed Liam's number again as she walked inside the club.