29. His touch

Was Alexander joking?

Sophia refused, saying, "Mr. Carter, I think that you should find someone else to go to the party with you."

"That dress was made for you. Go inside and get changed," Alexander ordered bluntly.

Hearing that, Sophia was shocked.

It was no wonder that the dress fitted her so well. Was he planning on taking her to the party all along?

Why did he never ask her about it?

With a straight face, Sophia said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Carter, I can't go to the party with you."

Alexander turned to look at her and said lazily, "I'll pay five hundred thousand dollars as your reward."

"What do you think I am?" Sophia shouted, glaring at him.

"Ten hundred thousand dollars, then," Alexander said in a calm tone.

Sophia raised her eyebrows and gritted her teeth, retorting, "It's not a matter of money!"

"How about two million dollars?"

She took a deep breath. Wealthy people could do whatever they wanted.