49. I Believe You Would Come

Sophia's clothes were soaking wet and stuck to her skin, revealing her curves to the many bystanders who had stopped in their tracks to look at her.

Embarrassed, Sophia's cheeks turned red as she squatted down to hide away from the people.

Boom! Boom! Boom! The sound of thunder rumbled and a flash of lightning lit up the night sky.

Sophia covered her ears in fear and she trembled like a leaf, burying her head between her knees.She could hear the sound of rain pattering on the pavement.

After a while, she began to wonder why she couldn't feel the raindrops on her skin.

Out of curiosity, she slowly raised her head and found a man standing in front of her, holding an umbrella over her head.

"Liam? You…"

Overjoyed, Sophia stood up quickly as if a sense of relief had come over her..

However, before she could open her mouth to say anything else, Sophia was overwhelmed with dizziness, as she must have stood up too quickly.