Mother- Daughter Duo

No wonder Bella behaved so prim and proper today.It turned out that the two families had gathered.

And even the elders from both parties were present.

Were they here to discuss their marriage again? When this thought occurred to her, Sophia couldn't help but feel a little unhappy.

Alexander's eyes landed on her arm, which was being held by Bella.

"Why are you here?" he asked indifferently.

"Miss Turner asked me to come here to talk about the necklace's design," Sophia answered dryly.

She had guessed that Bella would make things difficult for her, but she didn't expect that she'd do it in front of these people.

"But...On second thought, I dont think it's appropriate to talk here.I'll talk to Miss Turner later."

Sophia nodded politely and tried to turn around to leave.But Bella didn't let go of her arm.Her voice was gentle, but her eyes sparkled with menace.