The Destruction Of The Turner Family

As soon as Cora turned around stiffly, she saw the kids staring at her without even blinking.She did not have time to think about their appearance now, so she casually lied, "Well...Rocky was probably scared when I took it to the hospital.It should be fine after a few days."

Alexa believed it immediately.

Looking at her dog with pitiful eyes, she said, "Hospitals are really terrible."

She remembered the doctor giving her an injection every time her mother had taken her to the hospital when she had been sick.

Hence, she had always been afraid of hospitals, but she did not expect Rocky to be just like her.

"Did you take Rocky to the hospital to get the necklace?" Axel asked.

He was not going to let Cora go.

"Yes...But they still haven't gotten the necklace out of it yet," Cora said with a wry smile.

If she did not need to, she would not have lied to the kids.