Bella Begging For Mercy

Smith picked up a photo from his desk.

In the photo, Sofia was smiling happily and squatting down to feed the stray cats by the roadside. The sunlight illuminated her body dramatically and gave her a slightly hazy halo, making her look like a god in an oil painting.

It turned out that Sofia was the daughter of the Miller family. No wonder her eyes looked so similar to hers…

For a moment, Smith was stuck in a trance. Through the photo, he pictured the young girl of his dreams again. She was the woman he had been longing for but had never really possessed.

He was thinking about Violet Hall, Sofia's mother.

Lost in thought, Smith's mind started churning out various schemes.

Sofia was a member of the Miller family, and Alexander liked her.

The corners of Smith's mouth twitched upwards. This was wonderful news. He finally found Alexander's weakness! Now, all he needed to do was think about how he could use Sofia to his advantage.