Joe Past With Taylor

Easton had made dinner reservations at a five-star restaurant, which had brightly lit hallways, and crystal chandeliers.

All the employees from the Design Department gathered around a round table with a diameter of three meters. As the host of the dinner, Easton stood up with a glass of red wine to make a toast.

"Tonight, I'm glad to have you all here on my farewell dinner, and I would like to propose a toast to Sophia first."

He then raised his glass, looking at Sophia, and continued, "Sophia, the happiest thing I experienced was to see you again after returning home, so cheers to that!"

Surprised and flattered, Sophia also stood up and raised her glass. "I was also glad to see you again, Easton."

Easton then lifted his glass to his lips and drank the wine, concealing the tears that were welling up in his eyes.

"Unfortunately, we always keep missing each other. Do you really believe that we're not meant to be?"