Drugged By Bella

As soon as Alexander pushed the door open, the terrible scene in front of him was startling.

Two men were forcing Sophia to the window, and she was about to fall down.

Seeing that, Alexander immediately rushed forward, grabbed her arm, and pulled her back.

He then punched the men so hard that they instantly fell to the floor.

'Thank God, I got here in time!'

Alexander felt relieved.

Sophia could clearly hear the sound of their racing hearts as she lay in his arm.

'I… Am I safe now?'

She was dizzy, but she looked up and saw Liam.

For a second, she could not tell what was making her heart race. Was it the shock, or was it the man in front of her eyes?

However, she knew that she would be safe as long as he was there with her.

So Sophia passed out at ease.

"Sophia, Sophia!"

Alexander gently shook her. But Sophia didn't open her eyes.

So he had no choice but to carry her in his arms.