Meeting Max Again

In the end, Taylor had accomplished her aim.

Tonight, she had the spotlight on her, but she didn't seem to be enjoying it.

Just walking beside Joe was agony. She was enamored with him, but her sane being kept telling her to get the hell out of there!

Taylor was in mental suffering as she went down the red carpet, which was barely more than 5 meters in length.

"Why aren't you smiling? Without a grin, people will assume you're putting on airs," Joe murmured to Taylor as he took her arm and waved to the reporters.

"What's your reason for being here? Don't you really despise me?"

Then, after much deliberation, Taylor voiced her thoughts.

Joe's smile was tinged with a hint of mirth.

"I'm not angry with you. Trust me, I have gotten over the past. I no longer feel anything for you."

Looking at his smile, Taylor felt tremendous emptiness in her heart, as if she'd just lost something vital.

Could Joe have really gotten over it?