Almost Closed To The Truth

After seeing Sophia drawing Finn's attention, Alexander heaved a sigh of relief.

However, noticing that Finn had come there alone, he felt that something was suspicious.

How could  have let Finn come alone?

Such a move did not match up with his personality.

Sensing that something was fishy, Alexander frowned deeply.

At the same time, Sophia did not think as much as he did. She was only keen on finding out the truth about the past from Finn.

"Please have a seat," Sophia said.

Finn complied and sat down from across her.

Facing each other, they felt awkward and did not know what to say.

Seven years ago, Finn had been one of her father's most trusted friends, but things had changed since. Recalling that, mixed feelings rose in Sophia's heart.

That moment, a waiter walked over with a menu card.

"Sir, miss, may I take your order?"