The Dangerous Look In His Eyes

The moment Sophia heard the maid's bloodcurdling scream, she stepped back in fear.

The maid ran to her side and closed the window.

"Ma'am, please don't harm yourself."

Panicking, she looked at the woman in front of her, whom Alexander had carried back in his arms.

With a bitter smile, Sophia said, "Don't worry. I just wanted to open the window to see where I was."

After hearing that, the maid breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ma'am, you are the first woman that Mr. Carter has brought home. If something happens to you, I will be punished for it!" the maid said in an anxious voice.

However, Sophia did not believe her at all.

"You're kidding, right? He's skilled in kidnapping people! He should be bringing women home often!" Sophia scoffed.

"Everything that I said is completely true. Look, even this nightdress is new."