Being Framed By Smith

Did he really faint during an injection? Or was the nurse just kidding?

Cora looked at Ace with wide eyes and saw that his face was pale, and his eyebrows were tightly knitted. He seemed to be resistant and utterly nervous.

Upon her observation, he seemed like he would actually faint.

"Oh my goodness. You're a tough and masculine individual, but you're afraid of tiny needles?"

Cora couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Excuse me? Can't men faint at the sight of needles?" Ace's cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

A few moments later, Cora felt odd about something the nurse had said.

Wait a minute…

Did the nurse just refer to her as Ace's girlfriend?

"Miss, it seems you've gotten it all wrong. I'm not actually his girlfriend. Our relationship is purely business. We are just creditor and debtor," Cora hurriedly explained, hoping to clear things up.

A knowing smile suddenly spread across the nurse's face.