The Auction

Sophia didn't see the unexpected person approaching her.

She stood in front of the sink and peered at the beautiful lady reflected in the mirror, feeling a bit odd about her.

Sophia Miller, the daughter of a wealthy family, seemed to have reappeared five years after she was supposed to have died.

Was it all due to Alexander? Sophia was clueless.

She shook her head, threw off her tangled thoughts, inhaled deeply, and exited the restroom.

Max was waiting for her outside the restroom door at that moment.

With excitement, he approached Sophia as she emerged from the restroom.

"The timing couldn't have been better, Sophia. I had no idea you'd show up here."

Max intended to grasp Sophia's hand while he talked.

Sophia evaded his grasp. "Behave yourself! When your wife sees what you're up to, she'll go wild once again."

At the mention of Amelia, Max's visage sank into a frown.