Truth Revealed

Amelia was quick to express her displeasure when she learned that her fate would be decided by her greatest foe.

Amelia's thoughts drifted to Max, and she picked up the phone to make a call to him. She pleaded in a soft voice, "Hello, sweetheart. I was to blame. I should not have gotten into an argument with you in the first place. However, fifty-one million…"

"There is no need for you to dwell on this, Amelia. You're not getting the money." Max declined without a second thought.

"Max! Are we not married!?" Amelia yelled back.

"We don't have to be a couple. If you insist on getting the money, then I will immediately file for divorce, and you will be responsible for paying off the obligation on your own."

Amelia was taken aback. Her spouse, with whom she'd shared a bed for so long, now treating her so cruelly was beyond the pale for her.

"It's a victory for you!"

Amelia was furious as she hung up the phone.