Getting On Her Nerves

Sophia went to work again the next day. Matthew would approach her at every chance he got, determined to have her for himself. He wasn't about to give up.

"Say, Sophia. Were you joking when you told me that you already had children yesterday?"

At his question, Sophia stopped in her tracks. Matthew was beginning to get on her nerves. It was enough that he disgusted her, but he wouldn't stop pestering her repeatedly despite her giving him the cold shoulder.

"What I said yesterday was true, Chef."

"But… Your resume says that you're unmarried," Matthew commented, unable to stop himself from making a slip of the tongue.

Well, well, well. So he had even gone as far as to rifle through her private information. Sophia immediately stood on alert.

"It's true that I'm unmarried, and it's also true that I have children. But I hope you can concentrate on work and stop digging into other people's privacy."