Discovering The Twins Identities

Alexander's gaze remained fixed on Sophia's side as he inhaled her hair's delicate scent of peach.

It was nice for Sophia to be silent with him just now.

Alexander silently appreciated the intimate moment.

Despite this, Sophia was completely unaware of it. In the midst of her photo-picking, she didn't see that Alexander's eyes were filled with affection when they glanced at her.

As Sophia chose more and more images, exceeding the required number, Alexander had to intervene.

"You should be done by now!"

"I've gotten to pick some more. There are still many attractive photographs," Sophia said without so much as lifting her head.

"We aren't going to the vegetable market looking for cabbages. We just need a single, standout image." Alexander was unable to express himself after hearing that.

"Oh…" Sophia wasn't content yet. "There are many images. Which one do you prefer?"