The Identity Of The Stranger

"Liam! Is this a new way to tease me?" Sophia asked, annoyed. "Look, it's not funny at all. Let go of me now!"

'There is something strange about this woman. Is she not right in the head?' the man thought.

"What are you talking about? Who's Liam?" he asked, clearly puzzled.

Sophia immediately realized that something was amiss. Confused, she asked tentatively, "Umm, aren't you Liam?"

"Huh? My name's Hunter. I don't know who Liam is. And you… Don't you know who I am?" Hunter seemed more surprised at the fact that there was someone who genuinely didn't recognize him.

"Sorry, I don't know you," Sophia admitted honestly.

"I'm Hunter! Hunter Cooper? Doesn't that ring a bell? Look carefully. How can you not recognize this face?" Hunter neared Sophia, determined to get as close to her as possible as he showed her his handsome face.