The Smile Of The Devil

When Sophia heard what Hunter had to say, she didn't freak out in the least.

She stared calmly into Hunter's piercing eyes, pulled out her phone, and showed him the proof she had uncovered recently.

"There is no justification for your deception, Hunter. The dog and the necklace are not yours."

This startled Hunter. Nervously, he took Sophia's cell phone.

Sophia's screen name was "Love Hunter Forever" and it was the first thing Hunter saw. On top of that, Sophia also used Hunter's photograph as her profile picture!

He spotted Sophia's comment in the chat group as he scrolled down. Her voice sounded just like one of his ardent admirers.

Hunter held the phone and sneered, "Is this your purported proof? It's nothing but an excuse to come closer to me, it seems."

Hunter smirked contemptuously, assuming Sophia was a stalker!