A Letter From Andrew

Did he imply he consented to Hunter's release?

Sophia didn't understand what Alexander meant till then. So long as she agreed to return to the Carter Group, he would be happy to forgive Hunter.

She had nothing to lose if she agreed to Alexander's requirement.

So, why not return?

Her return to the Carter Group would not only address Hunter's situation but also land her a job.

She had no business turning off the opportunity to accomplish two goals at once.

Her unequivocal refusal to return to the Carter Group, however, had been made clear. If she returned now, wasn't it a smack in her face?

Sophia found herself in a quandary.

Seeing her frown, Alexander didn't try to push her too hard.

Then he said, "Let me know when you'll get back to the company! Take time. The decision is yours to make. Take like two days…"

"I'm in!" Sophia replied all of a sudden.